Hi Justine,
The 3 Centres Consensus Guidelines, which is the evidence based guidelines that Victorian doctors and midwives are supposed to be basing their antenatal care on, state that routine urinalysis is not necessary. If, however, there is some other indication such as elevated BP or urinary symptoms then a urinalysis is appropriate. Protein (albumin) in the urine may indicate renal problems or pre-eclampsia, glucose could indicate diabetes but not always, nitrites would indicate a urinary tract infection.
You can download the guidelines from the 3 Centres web-site.
Hope that helps a little.

From: Justine Caines <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
To: OzMid List <ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au>
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Antenatal Urine Analysis
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 12:56:49 +1000

Dear Wise Ones

I am about to spar with a local GP and was looking for some Œwee on the
stick¹ evidence.

I somehow remember there was an article that came across the list on routine
antenatal urine analysis.

Any one know what I am talking about?


Justine Caines
National President  Maternity Coalition Inc
PO Box 105
Ph: (02) 65482248
Fax: (02)65482902
Mob: 0408 210273

Leanne Wynne
Midwife in charge of "Women's Business"
Mildura Aboriginal Health Service  Mob 0418 371862

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