The Gaskin is a 'midwifery' manoevure, and was pioneered by Ina May Gaskin, so not talked about (at least where I work) in conjunction with the McRoberts and Rubins etc. It is where you get the woman to go over on all fours. We have one midwife that actually believes it is the movement, rather than the all fours, she finds if the woman is semi-recumbent, then all fours is good. And if the woman is already on all fours then she gets her to flip back to semi recumbent which in most cases is all that is needed.

Hope that helps. I think (?) a lot of midwives probably do this manoevure, but just did not know it had a name.


On 25/06/2005, at 10:11 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

hi can some one enlighten me about the gaskin manoeuvre i have been taught the rubiks and the woods screw but havnt heard of the gaskin manovure.
thanks  sharon

---- Janet Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Can I ask, is the bone breaking manoeuvre being employed AFTER the Gaskin Manoeuvre has been unsuccessful?
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Mary Murphy
  Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 3:52 AM
  Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] broken collar bone & subsequent birth

  Jennifer wrote: A # clavicle is not a big issue in a

neonate and doesn't necessarily mean excessive force was used. The neonates

bones are pliable and the # is usually a 'greenstick' or partial break or

Well, I have NEVER seen a #clavicle in 26 yrs of both hospital & home midwifery, even in big babies where some force has been used. MM

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