So happy for you Sue - what a wonderful start to the winter break.
Can't wait to get up to Byron and hear more details.
Lots of egg flips and parsley and pineapple smoothies for the new mother and a lots of hugs for you

Jan Robinson Independent Midwife Practitioner
National Coordinator Australian Society of Independent Midwives
8 Robin Crescent South Hurstville NSW 2221 Phone/Fax: 02 9546 4350
e-mail address: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> website:

On 6 Jul, 2005, at 08:48, Sue Cookson wrote:

Hi everyone,
I thought to let you know about a lovely homebirth of twins on Monday 4th July.
Two little boys, 6lb7oz and 5lb 12oz, born 10.5 hours apart.
SRM 3.30 am and birth of baby #1 at 6.49am.
Then a few hours where ctxs were fairly regular but not so strong unless baby#1 was breastfeeding. You could see the second baby positioning itself and the uterus working hard to pull down into shape for baby#2. I'd clamped the cord of baby#1 after 10 mins in case of bleedthrough, and clamped the other end as well so that the placenta retained its size until after baby#2 was born.
After about 4 hours I asked to check baby #2 position. It was too hard to palpate so I did a VE and found head there, not well applied, but there. Cervix was 9 ish cms.
So we waited, fetal heart always good and strong. Set up the pool and mother relaxed for an hour or so with ctxs beginning to pick up again. She decided to hop out and at 5.05 pm baby#2 emerged in his caul. She birthed the placenta unaided 35 minutes later. Blood loss 300ml. (Her Hb and ferritin levels were both low).

It was a huge leap of faith, but there was nothing happening to raise any alarm bells. Both babies are really gorgeous, feeding well and very happy.
I am once again humbled by the strength of women ....

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