Hi Everyone,

I posted a few weeks back in regard to this as I had a SUA and was recommended my baby have an renal scan when a week old.  Fortunately she did, as she did in fact have a urinary reflux.  We actually saw a paediatric urologist last week as my bub (now 18 months) has had three UTI's despite being on antibiotics, and has kidney scarring due to the infections.  He has recommended surgery and when I told him about the SUA he said babies who do have the reflux often have a SUA also.  As I am right into the latest research about this condition I would be really interested if anyone knows of the latest info mentioned by Joy.


Kylie Carberry

Freelance Journalist

p: +61242970115

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>From: "Joy Cocks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
>To: "Ozmidwifery" <ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au>
>Subject: [ozmidwifery] Single Uterine Artery
>Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2005 08:28:09 +1000
>Further to discussion a few weeks ago - according to a local
>obstetrician/ultrasonographer, previous information that SUA increases the
>likelihood of renal anomalies has now been disproven and there is no need
>for the baby to undergo renal ultrasound unless a problem presents. Sorry,
>I don't have any references, just word of mouth.
>Joy Cocks RN (Div 1) RM CBE IBCLC
>BRIGHT Vic 3741
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