Even if they do see different midwives during the pregnancy, it still helps
when they come in. Having worked in small units I know that there are only
so many staff to meet. In my last position women could ask for a specific
midwife to 'go on call' for them.  Most of the women were happy to have who
ever was on. Of course there was a few who requested NOT to have certain
midwives, this also catered for.  Our

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Andrea Quanchi
Sent: Sunday, 7 August 2005 2:28 PM
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Midwives clinic

Alan are you offering continuity of carer or an alternative to the obs
and then they still get a different midwife in labour.
In Echuca they started a midwife clinic that offers shared care b/w the
GP/obs and the midwife clinic but it in fact means that instead of
having their antenatal care by one person they now have it by at least
three.  And then they just get who ever in labour as well.

If you are offering continuity of carer then this is what you can sell
and it will be attractive to the women.  Otherwise sell the things you
are offering that they dont get from the Ob.  On time appointments,
longer appointments etc. In the country the bush telegraph is still the
best source of information so get women talking about it and a mail out
to known pregnant women, notices or poters in child care centres,
kindergartens etc  saying 'Do you know someone who is pregnant  tell
them about the new choices that they have"

Good luck but keep pushing for a caseload if you dont have one its great

ANdrea Quanchi
On 07/08/2005, at 11:16 AM, Alan Rooney wrote:

> Advice needed
> I work in a small hospital in western NSW and we are about to start a
> Midwives clinic. The 2 obs in town are supporting us in this venture
> but I
> need some suggestions on how to inform the women of the town why they
> should
> choose the Midwives clinic and not visit the obs surgery, but I would
> like
> to do this without offending the obs. I would like to put this
> information
> in a pamphlet in all the Docs surgeries in the town. Any ideas would be
> appreciated.
> Also if anyone has research articles on this subject I would appreciate
> them.
> off list email
> Thanks
>       Alan.
> --
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