This is an interesting article from

Breast-feeding: a win-win game
And finally, a study of new mums in Canada has demonstrated that, further to being the best source of nutrition for their child, breast-feeding benefits mothers themselves by alleviating their levels of stress.

The work showed that 25 breast-feeding mothers responded less strongly to stressful situations, as assessed by cortisol levels in their saliva, than 25 mothers who bottle-fed their infants. The researchers think this effect will free up more energy for the new mothers to dedicate to their child.

"Our study may also have implications for women prone to postpartum depression," said lead author Claire-Dominique Walker (Douglas Hospital Research Centre). "Postpartum stress is a risk factor for postpartum depression. If we can better understand how the breast-feeding moms reduce their stress... we may be able to better treat the moms prone to postpartum depression."

Leanne Wynne
Midwife in charge of "Women's Business"
Mildura Aboriginal Health Service  Mob 0418 371862

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