Threads like this come back to haunt you. Last night I cared for a primip who I took over on night duty as she was about to enter second stage after having laboured all day and having had no sleep the night before. Given lots of time she progressed very slowly to having the head distending the peri and there it sat through several contractions with no further progress despite maternal effort ( and yes I did think oh no hear goes I'm going to have to eat my words and cut an epis. I looked at the scissors and decided to leave them where they were and listen to the FH instead which was strong. Then her body decided that it needed a rest and we sat for about 15 min with no contractions and listening to the FH while she slept. Then she woke up had one contraction where she birthed the head over an intact peri and a second soon after which birthed the body before she lay back and said that all I had to give! What more did she need. I had a student with me who was completely baffled and we spent quite some time afterwards discussing what had just happened because that had never been in anything she had heard or read.

One very happy mum and one midwife with her stats intact!!!!!!!

Andrea Quanchi
On 22/08/2005, at 11:35 PM, Katrina Flora wrote:

Not entirely sure I want to know, but Mary what is "buttonholing"?
<x-tad-bigger>----- Original Message -----</x-tad-bigger>
<x-tad-bigger>From:</x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger> </x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger>Mary Murphy</x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger> </x-tad-bigger>
<x-tad-bigger>To:</x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger> </x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger></x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger> </x-tad-bigger>
<x-tad-bigger>Sent:</x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger> Monday, August 22, 2005 10:03 AM</x-tad-bigger>
<x-tad-bigger>Subject:</x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger> RE: [ozmidwifery] when to cut an episiotomy</x-tad-bigger>

<x-tad-bigger>Because you asked:  I have cut 3 in 22 yrs as a homebirth midwife.  1 for foetal distress, 1 for “buttonholing’ & the other I can’t remember.  It was all so long ago.  Working with a group of 7 other midwives, I have never heard of them cutting episiotomies either. MM</x-tad-bigger>
<x-tad-bigger> </x-tad-bigger>

 Who else would like to celebrate their lack of desire or interest in cutting a woman's perineum.

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