Cord blood banking requires a minimal amount, I think about 70 mls, (don't quote me.) It is a waste of health dollars, and needs be reviewed. Do some research, find out how much it is costing, and the number of bubs requiring treatment.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Helen and Graham
Sent: Wednesday, 24 August 2005 10:02 AM
To: ozmidwifery
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Routine collection and testing of cord blood

I have another question, this time regarding the routine collection of cord blood.  In previous places I have worked, we only collected it for RH negative women or those with no antenatal blood results available.  Even if the woman was RPR positive, the doctors would still bleed the baby to get a more accurate result instead of relying on the results of the cord blood.  There were no other indications for collecting it. 
At the place I now work, we are still collecting it on every patient and they are all being tested for group and coombs etc.  This seems a total waste of time and money to me as well as an unnecessary occupational safety risk to staff.
The only other reason I see to justify collecting it would be if it could be used in a cord blood bank?  Does anyone know if this is the case?  
Looking forward to some more advice....
Helen Cahill 

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