Interesting....I work with our local homebirth midwife as a doula and we had
a client a few weeks back who never had the urge to push, baby was finally
born about 51/2 hours after full dilation. The urge never came to her, she
actively pushed towards the end - not directed by anyone...although not
naturally occurring pushes.

Jo Hunter

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Päivi
Sent: Thursday, 25 August 2005 7:31 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] if mother wants to be directed for pushing

Hi again,

Like I told you earlier, I have just started a childbirth education program.

One of my students just gave birth and had a quick and straight forward 
unmedicated 1st stage, but ended up pushing for 1.45minutes. She said she 
had no idea, what she had to do and told very clearly to the midwife to 
direct her for pushing. I had promised to be her doula if she felt she 
needed me, but since it all went so quickly, she never called me. I was just

wondering how I would have reacted to the situation if I was there, since 
during the training we emphasized spontanious pushing, waiting for the urge 
to push and following your own feelings. I noticed there was discussion 
about pushing here a week ago and I read the wonderful artickle by Gloria 
Lemay too. But what if the mom wants to be directed? Do you ever direct a 
woman in 2nd stage and if so, how?
The bag of waters was broken in the end of transition and water was green. 
She was also given syntocin 40 minutes after she started pushing, because 
the contractions were getting less powerful... She said she never felt a 
real urge to push. She was pushing on all-fours and on the low "birthing 
stool". The baby was average size. Do you find, that not all women get the 
powerful urge to push, or is it just a matter of waiting enaugh?
In my own two births I never found the pushing very painful, but was not 
given syntocin either. Does the syntocin make the 2nd stage more painful? 
Many questions again... would like to hear about your experience.

Childbirth educator 

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