" Obviously scary rubbish makes better news than
truthful lovely births."

I think you are SO right there.
It seems to me that viewing birth as a disaster just waiting to happen, even if 
it is a "normal" birth, is Dr Giltrap's problem. Plus, I'm still trying to 
understand what he meant by:
"Dr Giltrap claimed Australian midwives were not as well trained as their 
European counterparts and Australian standards were often higher than those in 

There is a resolution by EU which states how many hours of what midwives have 
to have, and I doubt that it is more than you have in Australia. 

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Janet Fraser
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 6:22 AM
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Fw: 'Higher risk' in midwife deliveries 
(http://theaustralian.com.au report)

Rachel (welcome btw!) I hear everything you're saying and I concur. It's so
transparently about a professional monopoly but their own brilliant
misinformation campaign is so entwined with our current cultural fears
around normal physiological birth that very little gets into the media to
contradict it. Of course what I really want is for them to have to answer
how all the guff they spout really stands up against the research but the
seven second soundbite only allows long enough for scare tactics, not
evidence. It's interesting to me that in many years of writing letters to
SMH and The Age, I have never had one published on birth issues. I've got
quite a track record on political issues of other kinds, but not even the
most benign letter on home birth or midwifery has made it into their
publications. Obs and midwives get published a bit but very rarely
consumers. I sent letters to every major paper plus regionals for Home Birth
Awareness Week last year, and not one was published. That's a lot of editors
making the same decision. Obviously scary rubbish makes better news than
truthful lovely births.
Food for thought!
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