Can I please have some thoughts on where to look for info on this? This young woman was admitted to hospital with a suspected clot on the lung and suspected pneumonia. She is really freaked out and I'd love to direct her somewhere specific for information.
This is direct from her.
"I was taken straight through again the next morning for the other scan, which turned out to me like one of those CT scan things, where you lay down and the machine goes all around you taking photos. The man that did them was nice, but the doctor that came in to 'explain' everything was a real wench. She didn't look at me once, and just said that she couldn't guarantee that there would be no risk to the baby, but given that 'it's 20/40..' and she trailed off (wtf does that mean? that there should be no problem? that they would be extra careful?) before shoving a clipboard in my face and getting me to sign a disclaimer that she didn't give me time to read. (That was my fault I know, but not being familiar with hospitals and not having view of mum for reassurance I just signed ) Anyway, halfway through (trapped under a wide plate that came a cm from my nose) I was told to give them an arm, and was injected with what I now know was the radiation stuff they use to monitor the blood pumping. I asked what it was for, and wasn't answered until it was halfway into me. The whole time I just lay there in tears thinking that I was doing something that was really damaging to my baby, and no one was giving me any answers.

Afterwards I was told that there was no clot, but that oxygen wasn't getting to my right lung properly and this meant pneumonia. I was given a quick checkup and more tablets and sent on my way.

What makes it worse is that bubs has been very very active every single day since I could properly feel kicks (around 16 weeks) and since Tuesday night I've hardly felt him at all... Just a tiny tiny little bump maybe every couple of hours. That's two days now and I'm really really worried that I've let him be harmed in some way.. I have no idea what to do! Mum says to not worry about it because the doctors wouldn't have given me anything that would hurt the baby, but I feel like something is wrong."
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