Hello listers,

Yesterday I was talking to Maggie Banks about scheduling some more of her wonderful Birthspirit Intensive workshops for 2006. We hope to take in Adelaide and Brisbane as well as Sydney and Melbourne next year, given their enormous popularity (still a few places left in the December program: http://www.birthinternational.com/event/intensives2005/index.html

Anyway, she mentioned that she now has a program designed to teach midwives how to manage breech births, that is in the process of being fully credentialled through the NZ College of Midwifery. She is now touring NZ offering this program so that midwives feel confident in facilitating this kind of birth, if it happens.

Would there be enough interest in Australia for me to approach her to present some of these workshops here? It would make a very good alternative to the ALSO program, and is completely midwifery based. As far as I know, it is a one day program too.

There has been quite a lot of discussion about breech births on the list and the loss of skills as a result of the swing towards C/Sec. This might be one way to help halt the slide..... Please email me if you are interested. My email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Andrea Robertson
Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education

web: www.birthinternational.com

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