The word obstetrician is actually derived from the Greek word for midwife "obstetrix". It means to "stand in front of" so it actually is derived from the same root as obstruct, obfuscate, obliterate, etc. Doesn't really have a connotation of right/wrong, good/bad, per se. I often think we all need to get out from in front of the woman and turn our backs toward her so we can protect her space while she gives birth perfectly fine. Apparently in elephant communities the older females surround the birthing female with their trunks pointing away from her and their large grey bums form a protective, encircling wall. That elephant mother-to-be has to push out a lot bigger baby than any human mother will ever birth. Their senior matriarchs have complete faith in their ability.
Gloria Lemay
----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: Re: [ozmidwifery] Friend with breach baby...told CS only options.


I'M glad I'm not the only one who feels really angry when pregnant women are repeatedly told what to do as if they don't have a brain to think or seek out info for themselves.

I do sometimes (not always) agree with that analogy of the spelling/definition of: Obstetrician = Obstruction ( just a few letters difference make sense don't they?)

Anyway, I am prepared to be really pro-active and state here that any women who want help to obtain information about breech birth or if I can help facilitate a breech birth (at home or in hospital) feel free to please contact me & I'll do my best to help.

Brenda Manning

Janet Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I completely agree, Brenda. And I think anger is reasonable response to
women being refused the right to birth their baby vaginally. Maybe if
more women got angry and said no, it would stop happening. But sObs just
keep pushing the limits and no one stands up to them so now they're
starting to section automatically for posterior babies. Then what? Next
time that woman wants to give birth, if she goes to that surgeon, or
even a different one, she'll be damaged goods and have to have more
surgery or be induced because she can't "go over." I can't tell you how
many women have asked me for help this week alone. It's truly shocking
how many women (and babies!) are being denied the basic human right of
vaginal birth. And it's truly shocking how little consumers really seem
to comprehend of how the system works and actually believe their Obs
when they tell them total crap.
OK I'm done too. For the moment!
: )
----- Original Message ----- From: brendamanning
  Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 5:39 PM
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Friend with breach baby...told CS only

  Or the women could just try saying 'NO'  I don't consent to surgery, I
will if needed, but not "just in case"..............

  No consent, no surgery!
  Stay home with a capable MW for as long as possible & then go to the
hospital ??

  I'm cross with the oBs (not that you can't tell !! Won't even give
them a capital for their title !!!)


----- Original Message ----- From: Janet Fraser
    Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 9:49 AM
    Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Friend with breach baby...told CS only

    Hi Debbie,
    oddly enough I too know 2 women in exactly this position atm. The
dangers of choosing a surgeon for the care of a perfectly normal
pregnancy are becoming clear at this point.
    There's an OB at JHH that deigns to catch breech babies - Andrew
Bisits (sp?) - so perhaps he's one to try. I can't imagine agreeing to
major surgery, with it's attendant risks, but I also can't imagine
trying to birth my baby with a bunch of cranky onlookers. Women are just
plain screwed in this scenario and it drives me into a rage. I shall
content myself with sharing the info on turning breech babies I seem to
have been supplying on a daily basis this week.

    One midwife's collection of breech turning info.

    Attending a breech birth.

    Turning a breech.

    Book review on breech babies.

    Ina May Gaskin on catching surprise breech babies!

    Homeopathy to turn babies in utero.

    A great site on moving breech babies.

    A Natural Breech Birth - hospital

    More than you could ever hope for from the UK midwives (I love these

    About 500 birth stories with clear descriptions.

    Here's our OFP thread on NP.

    I wonder if I know at least one of those women?
    All love and strength to her.

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