----- Original Message ----- From: Sally-Anne Brown
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2005 7:37 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] IOL and C/s...

They have studied two groups a) IOL and b) spontaneous labour. The results show a slight difference in the two groups of about 1.5% higher in the IOL group compared with the spont labour group. In both groups the results show (approx) 60% c/section rate - not the 30-50% c/section rate often spoken of.

Have I understood this correctly? In this study, women who are induced *and have an EDB* have a 60% c/s rate?? I find this mind boggling.

I work in a tertiary hospital with many high risk pregnancies, in the Delivery Suite. Our statistics are (from memory, I don't have them at home) 80% of primips overall(spontaneous and IOL) choose to have EDB. Overall, 60% normal birth, 29% LSCS, others instrumental, primips. This includes elective C/S for breech etc. That's not exactly correct but pretty close. I thought these figures were bad. How do they get such a high c/s rate just from EDB? Or have I misunderstood?

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