Okay women, here's your miracle for the day! This is from a doula friend in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She has given permission to share it far and wide so feel free to repost. Gloria

Hello Everyone,

I would like to report that my VBAC, Breech, with twins client gave birth totally naturally and without intervention at the Rockyview hospital last week. It was an awesome thing to witness. A woman saying “No Thank You” to fear mongering and letting her body guide the way. Baby A was breech so the 2nd stage was slow and the doctors can be quite intense with their comments. Here are some for the records….

“Delivering these babies naturally is just the same as throwing them off a cliff” and

“You’ve had a C-section before, and your uterus is now slowing down with contractions, these are signs that your uterus is about to explode, and that will kill you and your babies”

The babies are healthy and happy and the mom is so excited to have conquered her fears. Having had a C-section previously, she said that concentrating on the short term pain for long term gain got her through it. She couldn’t bare the thought of another incision and now 3 babies to take care of. When the babies were delivered the room had 15 people in it. There was actually applause when the first baby emerged “bum first”. I think that after the staff realized that the Mom was going all the way with the requests they got excited (doc included). The hospital took advantage of the happening and invited various interns and students to the birth so that they could get an education on breech, twin deliveries. I guess not that many women ever get a chance to follow through with it, so no one gets the education. I was totally alarmed to that the hospital was so helpful. One of the nurses mentioned that the hospital had an incident 6 months ago where they tried to withdraw care because the woman wouldn’t listen to them and things went bad – so some policies have supposedly changed and they care for people no matter what their birth requests. I was impressed with the people on staff that day, but the pessimist in me knows the battle isn’t over – but things are changing!

Thank you to Gloria and Patty who I called heading into the birth – when some of the fear was rubbing off on me – the Doula!

Charis Curtis, W.T.

Prema Sai Wholistic Living

2713 14th St SW

Calgary, AB T2T 3V2



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