Hi Jo, would love to set up a practice, but it's the whole downshifting thing, it' s scary for my partner and I to leave our $50K a year jobs to go out into the great unknown without some steady guaranteed income. Im ok with poverty, but he will take some convincing, he is a bit of a "princess" , loves the comforts of life. Me, I would just love to do what I love and spend more time with those I love!
Mind you he is a country boy and I think he would settle into growing the veges quite well, just need to get him to leave the roundup behind!!
----- Original Message -----
From: jo
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 7:08 PM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Northern Rivers

Hi Di,


How about setting up an independent practice? I get calls almost everyday from women asking for referrals to IPM’s, the Sydney midwives are all booked up 7 months in advance and there are just not enough midwives to meet the demand.





From: owner-ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au [mailto:owner-ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au] On Behalf Of diane
Sent: Thursday, 29 September 2005 2:54 PM
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Northern Rivers


Oh my Goodness!!! Im not sure I could work in the system up there!! Just emailed the Clinical Midwifery Consultant of the Northern Rivers, only to get a response saying there is no one in that position since Dec 04!!!!  I did hear Liz speak at the ICM about how midwives coped with the change when birthing was removed from Byron. Surely if ever there would be a group of motivated consumers it would be in Byron, is MC active there??? Would be the perfect place for caseload midwifery.


Maybe another plan...... what about Port Macquarie, wasn't there a birth centre opened there once upon a time???


----- Original Message -----

Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 11:07 AM

Subject: [ozmidwifery] Northern Rivers


Hi Di,


I'm an unofficial ozmidder (reading the archives so as not to clog up the inbox).  I live in South Golden Beach Northern rivers and am a midwife with a permanent contract at Mullum hospital.  Currently on maternity leave after having given birth to my gorgeous boy Solomon, at home with 2 of the midwives I work with at Mullum.


Lismore is your typical large obstetric run hospital, with some dinosaur midwives, some who have a fear of birthing and a handful who 'fly under the radar'.  Tweed is the same or perhaps a little worse.  Murwillumbah is in between Mullum and Tweed so I hear.  Ive not worked at Lismore or M'bah but have transferred with women from Mullum there.  Tweed I have experienced and had to stop for the sake of my blood pressure! shockers!  Mullum offers waterbirth and there is a definite feeling of team b/w medical and nursing/midwifery staff.  They really are a great bunch.  Management are not as supportive as they could be but better than other places Ive worked.  There is a lot of nursing however, but when you get a birth its the next best thing to home birth.  Myself and another midwife from mullum are doing a few homebirths and I imagine this will grow as our children grow. 

You could also speak to Liz  McCall at Byron hospital cns and president of the far north coast midwives assoc.  We get together every few months but are sadly notr as proactive as we could be.


I would love to rant and rave some more but have a very wriggly 7 month old on my lap so will just quickly say


give me a call and we can chat further.  Byron loves midwives and you'd be very welcome


Jessica Simms 02 6680 4346

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