Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] FW: Too many c/s in Gawler
Dear Tania and all

I went to the Advertiser’s website to write a letter and noticed the lead story was allegations of blame re the deaths of 3 mental health patients due to a lack of funding etc.


So here’s what I wrote.

I can't help but compare two of your recent stories and find myself so frustrated that health bureaucrats and politicians refuse to act and provide health care based on need rather than greed. It is alleged that 3 mental health patients lost their lives due to a lack of resources (Lives Broken 29/9).  On the same day a report from Gawler citing unsafe maternity practices with a soaring caesarean section rate (Too many c/s in Gawler).  With caesarean rates 30% and above we know that healthy women without medical conditions are having unnecessary surgery.  When there is no need this abuse of public funds is tantamount to fraud.  Dr Annabelle Chan’s response in comparing statistics in other states was trite to say the least.  There is considerable evidence that midwifery models of care reduce caesarean section, enhance women’s experience, increase breastfeeding rates and save considerable amounts of money. In South Australia as in the rest of the country the majority of healthy women cannot choose primary midwifery care and are rather forced into medically dominated care, protected by huge vested interest.  Remember that every health dollar wasted on a healthy patient is taken from a sick and needy one.


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