Yes the strerile h2o injections are great but i am very biased b/c i work at Colac. We have been using them with great success as you say for over 5 years now, and have convinced the drs(well most of them, one still refers to them as witchcraft) of their benefits as well. Good luck introducing them to your women, Pauline
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 8:25 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Sterile water injections for back pain in labour

I have just had the opportunity to attend an education session on the use of intradermal sterile water injections for back pain in labour.   It has come up on this list in the past and I am surprised at how slow it has been to take off in Australia.  Goodness knows, we need all the armoury we can get in the forms of midwifery initiated, drug free forms of pain relief.  It seems so simple and is apparently very effective. 
If anyone would like to get inservice training on this very simple technique I have included the contact details of one of the midwives in Colac, Victoria who got the ball rolling in Australia 5 years ago.  Her daughter married a Swede and she witnessed its effectiveness in Sweden during her daughter's labour.
Janice Deocampo
0409 146 759
5231 3416 (H)
5232 5207
She would be more than happy to come to you as long as her travel and accommodation expenses are covered. 
It only requires a 2 hour theory and practical session to learn the technique.  There are no side effects apart from the fact that the procedure is VERY painful like a beesting but this only lasts about 20 secs.  (We practised on each other)  The pain relieving effect lasts for 60 - 90 mins.  The best results are obtained for those women with a pain score of greater than 6/10 as the pain of the injection needs to be weighed up against the back pain being felt. 
Anyway, you will learn all of this during her information session.
I have yet to put it into practice but am looking forward to the opportunity to do so.  Janice and her colleagues will soon have their research project published in the ACMI journal.
Helen Cahill

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