EDD is just that, an estimated date of delivery. Term is 38 to 42 weeks and there is reasonable evidence to offer  induction once a woman is 10 days past her EDD, provided it is accurate. Babies are born in better condition and there is less mec stained liquor. However it is a personal choice and second daily CTG is usually offered if the woman does not want induction. If women are induced it does increase the risk of C/S for the reasons Nicole outlined and certainly if the cervix is unfavorable.
A useful web-site is www.cordclamping.com
Jennifer Cameron FRCNA FACM
President NT branch ACMI
PO Box 1465
Howard Springs NT 0835
08 8983 1926
0419 528 717
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 10:51 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Induction and third stage labour

Dear List,

I’m a birth educator and prenatal yoga teacher in Townsville.  I hope these questions are appropriate for this list and would appreciate information from you:


  1. Induction.  Andrea’s Preparing for Birth:Mothers book and the wall poster on cascade of intervention states that induction increases the risks of further intervention and ultimately caesarean, and that’s what I’ve always taught in my Active Birth classes.  However, when challenged for statistics by a client in a recent workshop, I looked up Enkin, Kierse etc. who stated that induction does not increase the risk of caesareans, recommending that induction is recommended soon after a women passes her EDD.  Can anyone clear this up for me?


  1. Third stage of labour.  I was under the belief that if active management of third stage was chosen, the cord had to be clamped and cut quickly to avoid an over-transfusion of blood from the placenta into the baby.  However, an OB recently told a client of mine that even if she had a Synto injection, the cord could be left until it stopped pulsing.  I’ve checked Myles textbook for midwives but it’s not clear on this. 


I appreciate your support.


Best wishes,

Karen Shlegeris in Townsville

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