You can put Townsville QLD down for the end of the year. You could contact Cathy Styles or Marie McAuliffe for details. We have not picked a name yet.
Philippa Scott
Birth Buddies
Supporting Women ~ Creating Life
President - Friends of the Birth Centre Townsville
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 8:12 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] birth centres in Australia

Dear all
am trying to update a list of birth centres or places that the midwives and women  refer to as birth centres.......Denise H. made a list of models of midwifery care a few years ago and many of those are birth centres........I'm wondering if there are any more birth centres that we havent got on the list   - it would be useful to have a contact number beside each one  because I would like to contact each birth centre in Australia over the next couple of months........
many thanks
Sally T.
If you put the state , name of birth centre, and contact .......would be great

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