Hi Jan and All,

Just want to wish everyone involved in keeping the homebirth movement alive all the best for national homebirth awareness week. 


Last week we had a family evening watching the homebirth video of my second son and I was able to relive the amazing memories of that experience.  Peace, calm, no fear, no being told what to do – such a lack of fear which seems to permeate so much of birthing elsewhere today.  My 7 year old son, the one who was being born in the video, wanted to know why he wasn’t wearing any clothes when he was born and we had a big laugh about trying to get a nappy inside the womb.  To my boys it’s normal and I think they’re quite proud to be the only boys at school who were born at home.


You’re doing an amazing job and it’s something worth persevering and fighting for.  One day gentle birth will predominate and the struggles of this current time will have been worth all the work.


Keep up your amazing work, homebirthing women and men!


Love from Karen in Townsville


From: owner-ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au [mailto:owner-ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au] On Behalf Of Jan Robinson
Sent: Tuesday, 25 October 2005 9:42 AM
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au


To all ASIM members and any midwives who have been involved in home births

Call your clients this week and tell them how much you value their support
Pop in with a cake to see some house-bound mother with little children

Keep the good-will going

Have a wonderful week spreading the good word about home births
The more you give - the more you'll get

Jan Robinson Independent Midwife Practitioner
National Coordinator Australian Society of Independent Midwives
8 Robin Crescent South Hurstville NSW 2221 Phone/Fax: 02 9546 4350
e-mail address: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> website: www.midwiferyeducation.com.au

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