I replied to you off line about this but I'm not sure the email at the birth centre is working well.
Would you email me off line about it ? I would like to ask some questions.
I usually charge per head & cover travel costs.
With kind regards
Brenda Manning
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2005 7:12 PM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] waterbirth

Hi Brenda,


Not sure if you are aware, but SA is in the throes of releasing a government directed waterbirth policy for all public hospitals, it might be a great time for you to approach the maternity heads and offer to do some education along those lines, now that there is (nearly) an official policy on it.  Just thought I’d give you the heads up if no-one else had, your workshop sounds great, I’d love to attend myself!




PS what are the costs involved? 


From: owner-ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au [mailto:owner-ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au] On Behalf Of brendamanning
Sent: Saturday, 29 October 2005 5:15 PM
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] waterbirth


Hi Sharon,


Yes, we will do a workshop in Adelaide on: "Waterbirths minus the Mystery", a 'how to' for you !

 I'm happy to respond, this is my area of speciality. I assume you aren't just after general knowledge as there is plenty of that available by googling on the net.


You are in Adelaide & if you'd like to get together a group of students or colleagues I could run a workshop for you on waterbirth.

Perhaps if you do some homework re nice venues (ie roomy & good energy) & get an idea of numbers of your colleagues/peers interested ( 8 - 10 minimum) we could then fix a definite date. Some suggestions: Community house, approach local hospital, local clinic, your own or a friends home, you just need a roomy lounge.


They are good fun & we do a lot of hands on role play which is a great & very effective way to learn . We do tend to remember things we've seen acted out as well as retain the info. Plus it gives you a chance to trouble-shoot regarding your particular situation. Also we find it helps to visualise problems & how to overcome them re tools, props, scenes, settings, emergencies etc.


Look forward to hearing from you.


With kind regards
Brenda Manning

----- Original Message -----

From: sharon

Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2005 1:26 PM

Subject: [ozmidwifery] waterbirth


can anyone direct me where i can attend a class which teaches midwives about waterbirth. iam interested to offer women who i care for this service but i feel that i need to attend a study day or seminar so i can be more proficient in the care of women who want a waterbirth.



p.s. preferably in adelaide.

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