I forwarded your inquiry on to Barbara Harper of Waterbirth Int'l in Portland Oregon. Many women have birthed in water after SROM of days and even weeks. Water does not enter the vagina when in a bath unless the labia are held open. This was studied by putting a tampon in with vegetable dye at the tip and then immersing women. This means that pelvic exams wouldn't be done while the woman is immersed (hopefully they wouldn't be done anywhere as this can cause what we fear). Taking temp every 4 hrs is the best way to take a "watch and wait" attitude with srom. You might want to have the woman shower only and stay out of the tub until you're fairly certain that the baby will arrive in the next 12 hours, just to be super cautious in a medical setting. Gloria in Canada
Dean & Jo wrote:

Where can I access on line a statement about being in water to labour
and perhaps birth in the situation where the membranes have already
ruptured?  I have a doula clients whose OB has said she cant get into
water if her waters have broken due to infection risks.  I need a
mediacl reference that explains this situation.

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