My niece has cystic fibrosis. She has had over 10 hospitalizations in her 3 years of life. Her mum ( my sister) does the physiotherapy for her every day and night. My niece has to take many preparations as she doesn't absorb fats, which means vitamin deficiencies are common.
My niece has a permanent pseudo infection in her lungs, this flares up if she gets a cold, which results in a hospital stay. My sister avoids gatherings ( family), if someone is sick. My sister has had so much time off work because she needed to care for my niece, that she gave up work to look after her.
My sister has decided not to have any more children, as she feels 2 with CF would be too hard. ( being able to give to both the attention they need).
I'm sure she would opt for the testing........don't judge unless you've been in the situation.
Robyn Dempsey

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