Hi Jayne,

Perhaps your friend could try seeing her obstetrician as an "insurance policy". Worth paying the money for in case a problem arises, but otherwise not required to do anything until a complication actually arises. An analogy I use is that paying for a doctor is like paying for house insurance. Wonderful when the roof blows off as it means and instant fix is available, but in the meantime, I don't want a roofer coming around every so often to see if he can help out with anything on the roof!

When labour starts, she can ask the midwives to call the doctor only if needed. Most doctors won't come anyway until second stage, and then only for the shortest time possible. If all is going well, your friend can ask the midwives to catch the baby, but she will have to make it clear to the doctor in advance that this might be the case. Another idea would be to hand him the camera to take the photos - keep his hands busy elsewhere!

Tell her to remember that as she is paying the bill, she is entitled to ask him to do anything (within reason!)!

Best wishes,


At 10:06 PM 19/01/2006, you wrote:
I have renewed hope in our maternity system! My friend - 41yo, 1st time mum 29 weeks into pregnancy seeing private ob and planing on birthing in private hosp (you know, she only wanted the BEST) - said to me today "....if I get the chance to have a 2nd child I will by pass the ob and only use a midwife. The ob has done NOTHING! He has barely felt my stomach yet a girl from work is seeing a midwife and she is learning so much from the midwife about her pregnancy. I look forward more to hearing about her midwife visits than I do my ob visits.

So I casually suggested that it wasn't too late to 'sack' the ob and go with a midwife! She said she would if she hadn't of already paid the ob the $3,000 out of pocket expense!!!! I'm not sure if she had to pay up front or if she was just being financially organised as she is prone to do. I sarcastically told her that chances were he would do something at the birth to justify his fee :(

My friend still likes the idea of birthing in the private hosp because if she has a 'natural' birth she is moved to a swish 5 star motel for days 3 to 5 pp funded by her health fund. She wants to know if you have to have an ob when birthing in a private hosp?



Andrea Robertson
Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education

web: www.birthinternational.com

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