This injection is only 0.2 mls and so if you give it in a 2 ml syringe the dead space is more than that so common sense says this is not a good idea and thus I have never even looked for a policy regarding it. Can you imagine anyone researching this because measuring the dead space would tell you it wont work. try putting a measure amount in any syringe and then push it up until fluid comes out of the syringe and needle. If you draw up 0.2 mls and then push till the dead space is eliminated in a 2 ml syringe it will not fill the dead space. Therefore the smallest syringe available is the best option and in most cases this would be a 0.5 ml insulin syringe. I havent had a look at the product info it probably gives a recommendatiion.
Andrea Q
On 20/01/2006, at 11:18 AM, Sadie wrote:


Hi Wise Women,


 Is anyone working with a hospital policy regarding the size of syringe to be used when giving a sub cut Heparin 5000 iu injection? If so what is the research behind it.




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