Bollocks to your ex MIL - pity "ex" doesnt mean "Exit"!

Recently, as I searched for some long term evidence of the benefits of parent-infant co-sleeping, I came across a study of college age subjects which found that males who had co-slept with their parents between birth and five years not only had significantly higher self esteem, they experienced less guilt and anxiety and reported greater frequency of sex. 


Not sure how to interpret this in light of my own kids experience now they are college age and beyond - that would be too much information!  But it seems that they are most likely sleeping with somebody other than me!


Enjoy the little warm body and don't bother sharing unnecessary info with your exmil.





----- Original Message -----
From: Pauline
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2006 10:38 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] co sleeping with a 7 yo

This is more of a parenting issue than a mid issue but i value any input at this stage.  My 7 yo son still sleeps with me every night, although he will occasionally snuggle in with his 9 yo sister. I have never worried about it, as i figure he won't be there when he's 18. But my ex mother in law has started mentioning a psychology study that  says boys who sleep with their mothers for such a long time end up with mother issues, and are abusive and violent to theri partners whne they get older.  I might add that this is the same woman who was horrified that i fed both my babies till they were happy to give it up at 2 years plus. She has now got a small part of worried that i could be creating a real problem. Help!

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