Lieve, that story brought a tear to my eye! Amazing.


On 06/02/2006, at 3:37 PM, Lieve Huybrechts wrote:

 Then I asked how she was born: a ventouse extraction. I said, ok, you didn’t finish your own birth. She was wondering if that was so. I asked if that was a theme in her life: doing things, but difficulty to reach the finish. She thought it over and she said yes, it was. Ok, I said this thing you can do, you are born as a woman to give birth, you can do it. Than it became quiet again. She was in bath on her knees with her head in my lap and my hands in hers. After fifteen min she raised her head and said: the head is out. A minute later the baby was born in the water, she really did it on her own. The baby Jef had a birthweight of 4980gr. She fully opened for him, she didn’t have a tear.

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