Ms Devine,

Having just read your article, "Playing politics puts mothers' and their babies' lives at risk" (26th Feb ’06), I can confidently state that I agree with you on only two points. Firstly, that political meddling in childbirth certainly does put Mothers and babies at risk (however, it is largely the meddling of the Obstetric active management model, misinformed Hospital staff, and archaic fear-led protocols not based in evidence that endanger and kill Mothers and babies on a horrific daily basis. Evidence shows the overwhelming safety and viability of Midwifery/Birth Centre care.). Secondly, that the death of baby Natalia Lalic was tragic and saddening (as are the unnecessary mutilations, rape, coercion, trauma, injury and death that women and babies routinely suffer whilst birthing in Hospitals). The rest of your article is sadly misinformed, scaremongering, and deeply disappointing.

Governments are actually closing rural Maternity units and Birth Centres en masse across Australia. It would seem that Obstetricians and Hospitals do not make much money from simply allowing women to give birth without unnecessary interference, drugs (for which Obstetricians and Hospitals often receive kickbacks) or attendance. Articles like yours prey on the current societal belief that birth is a dangerous illness that requires active management by Obstetricians in order to rescue women and babies from the inherently flawed process. With this being the popular belief, why on Earth would any savvy Politician back a losing horse, by utilising the feared, maligned, neglected and misunderstood Midwifery led care model to win votes? Your conspiracy theorising makes no sense.

In speaking only to Obstetricians and active campaigners against Midwifery led care, your article is nothing more than a podium for bias and misinformation to be trumpeted from. When will you make an attempt to cover the issue thoroughly? When will you cease your obvious public airing of your agenda against feminism, natural birth, and Midwifery? Are you so deeply threatened by the prospect of woman centered care that your need to silence and squash the issue is stronger than your need to make sense, have integrity, and be a genuine Journalist, rather than a rather comical maternity newsprint version of Pauline Hanson?

Attempting to give birth naturally in Hospital is certainly not an easy prospect for women; they do NOT have the "choice" you claim they do. Only 5% of women in Hospitals give birth naturally. Caesarean rates in some Australian Hospitals are 80% (compared to the World Health Organisation’s recommendation of 10 – 15%). Birth trauma groups are, sadly, thriving. Coercion, misinformation, bullying and rape occur at almost every birth in a Hospital setting. Do you know what "active management" is? Perhaps you should research it – it is the standard model of care for maternity Hospitals, and it certainly leaves no room for the choice for a natural birth, or for the acceptance of normality and safety in birth (opposed to the smaller risk).

Birthing in a Hospital IS a risky, unsafe business. Many, many Mothers and babies suffer injury or death there that could be prevented. Many women are now researching and discovering this, and making informed choices to opt for the safest model of care possible – that is, Midwifery led care with a known care provider, either in a Birth Centre or in their home. Your inability to study this issue thoroughly and/or to accept it is sad. Your need to demonise it and attempt to frighten women away from it is malicious, reprehensible, and somewhat ridiculous.

One baby death that may or may not have been linked to the use of Midwifery led care, compared to the numbers of babies dying every day in major Hospitals that are inarguably the result of care received there – as a case in point to refute Midwifery care, feminism and natural birth? Please.

I look forward to a good chuckle from your articles in future. They certainly make good toilet paper when recycled, so at least they are doing SOME good to the universe.

Felicity Dowker

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