Thanks for that folks :)  That helps me ALOT!  
The Sarah Buckley article is pretty amazing, and I didnt know about the cochrane collaboration website.  That will be very useful.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 03/12/06 17:16:01
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] resources on induction of labour for women

Also Google it and you will get all the websites aimed at the women. MM

Try The Cochrane Collaboration website or the WHO website for some evidence based stuff. Melanie.


 Hi all,


I'm a midwifery student and was wanting to obtain some references such as books, videos, help groups, websites etc.. that can provide women with up to date, evidenced based info on induction of labour.  Pros/cons, alternatives etc.. stuff like that.


I would be truly grateful if anyone could help :)





B.Mid student/Herbalist 





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