Hello wise women,

I posted a few weeks ago about a friend of mine with a
breech babe at 37+ weeks who was thinking about an
independent midwife for support at East Gippsland
hospital. I promised to update you so here goes...

She had SROM at term with SOOC soon after. Laboured
beautifully at home and on admission to labour ward
was 5-6cm and doing well. Her lovely OB same in and
was with her for the rest of the labour. 

She laboured to fully without any analgesia then
pushed valiantly for 3.5 hrs. They had bum on view
when they parted her labia but a babe who seemed well
and truly stuck. After some discussion it was decided
to go to theatre for section. OB was again lovely with
skin to skin in OT, nice feed plus dad cutting the
cord. This despite a tricky section due to babe being
so low. 

There was some damage to her bladder (it was 'nicked')
plus to the upper posterior vaginal wall with the
difficulty of extracting her little one from such a
low/tight position. She had a pretty hefty loss (1000
ml, although who knows with C/S as documented by a
recent thread!).

She recovered well being fit and healthy, going home
on day 5. Hospital called the next day to ask her to
come back in for AB prophylaxis for her daughter as
the anaesthetist attending had just been diagnosed
with whooping cough (WHAT!!). Back she went, more
worry, more disruption. Two days later she had
significant abdo tenderness and lower back pain, so
back she went again. Nasty uterine infection, on ABs

After a week of treatment things seemed to be
settling. She was home, feeding going well and her mum
visiting. As they sat down to dinner she felt a small
gush of blood and went to the toilet to investigate.
She called from the bathroom for help and when her mum
and partner got to her she was pale, unconscious and
lying in a huge pool of blood.

Ambulance was going to take 15 min, so they bundled
her into the car, hazard lights on and went for it. At
the hospital they gave her blood, platelets and
gelofusine and called her OB in. After 4-6 hours
things seemed to have settled and they were all
keeping their fingers crossed. 

Her condition deteriorated later in the evening and
they went to theatre for a D&C and investigation. She
was in full blown DIC by now so consent was gained for
an emergency hysterectomy. When I spoke to her sister
today she was still groggy but ok.

Words cannot express the sadness I feel. I am going to
visit in a couple of weeks when kids and clinical
allow but I am desperate to do anything I can to help
from here. I know she will get the 'you won't be able
to breastfeed with that loss/trauma' talk, but I know
in my heart if she could get feeding happening again
it would be one normal, beautiful thing she could
salvage from this experience.

Any thoughts, suggestions, assistance would be most
appreciated. I so wish I were there.

Yours in sisterhood, Miriam


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