diane wrote:

Hi Debbie,
Have you thought about caseloading. Its more cost effective and woman centred than team models. I dont have references but Im sure some of the other wonderful women on the list can help.

    ----- Original Message -----
    *From:* Debbie <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    *To:* ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
    *Sent:* Tuesday, April 18, 2006 3:28 PM
    *Subject:* [ozmidwifery] need some references

    Hi all, Am in the midst of an assignment which entails developing
    a proposal for team midwifery in my rural unit here at Orange. I
    need some more references to support this alternative model of
    care from a traditional medical model. In anticipation, Debbie


Apologies for the formatting, its a cut'n'paste jobbie.... Im sure there are more but this is off the top of my head... Re the team mid thing, I refer you to the Sandall 1999 article - not the only report to show that team midwifery is not as sustainable (for the midwives) as caseload or continuity of carer.

Benjamin, Y., Walsh, D. & Taub, N., 2001, ‘A comparison of partnership caseload midwifery care with conventional team midwifery care: labour and birth outcomes’, /Midwifery/, vol. 17, p. 234-240.

Brown, S. & Lumley, J., 1994, ‘Satisfaction with care in labour and birth: a survey of 790 Australian women’, /Birth/, vol.21, no. 1, pp. 4-13

Cornwall, C., 2001 /Proposal for Midwifery Caseload Practice (MCP) at WCH,/ Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Adelaide

Cornwall, C., 2004, ‘Midwifery Group Practice is born at WCH in Adelaide’, /Australian Midwifery News,/ Australian College of Midwives, Toorak, Victoria

Donnellan – Fernandez, R., 2000, ‘Autonomous Private Midwifery Practice: A Retrospective 1994-2000’, /Promaco Conventions: Childbirth in Isolation, Proceedings for the ACMI Goldfields Sub-branch Conference/, Kalgoorlie, 3-4 October.

Fenwick, N., 1998, ‘Continuity of carer: the experiences of midwives’, in /Psychological/

/Perspectives on Pregnancy & Childbirth/, ed. S. Clement, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, UK.

Flint, C. 1994, ‘Getting to Know Your Client’, /Modern Midwife, /April 1994, Vol. 4

Garcia, J., 1995, ‘Continuity of carer in context: what matters to women?’ in /Effective/ /Group Practice in Midwifery: Working with Women/, ed. L. Page, Blackwell Science, Oxford, UK.

Green, JM., Coupland, VA. & Kitzinger, J.V., 1990, Expectations, experiences, and psychological outcomes of childbirth: a prospective study of 825 women’, /Birth/, vol.17, no. 1, pp 15-23

Green JM., Renfrew, MJ. & Curtis, PA., 2000, ‘Continuity of carer: what matters to women? A Review of the evidence’, /Midwifery/, vol. 16, pp 186-196.

Hodnett E., 2001, ‘Caregiver support for women during childbirth’ /Cochrane Review in the Cochrane Library/, Issue 2, Update Software, Oxford.

Homer, C., Brodie P. & Leap, N., 2001, ‘/Establishing models of continuity of midwifery care in Australia: A resource for midwives and managers’/, Centre for Family Health and Midwifery, Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Health at the University of Technology Sydney.

Homer, C., Davis, G., Brodie, P., Sheehan, A., Barclay, L., Wills, J. & Chapman, M., 2001b, ‘Collaboration in maternity care: a randomised controlled trial comparing community-based continuity of care with standard hospital care’, /British Journal of/ /Obstetrics and Gynaecology/, vol.108, pp.16-22

Homer, C.S., Matha, D.V., Jordan, L., Wills, J. & Davis, G.K., 2001c, ‘Community-based continuity of midwifery care versus standard hospital care: a cost analysis’, Australian Health Review, vol.24, no. 1, pp. 85-93.

Hundley, V., Cruiksank, F., Milne, J., Glazener, C., Lang, G., Turner, M., Blyth, D. & Mollison, J., 1995, ‘Satisfaction and continuity of care: staff views of care in a midwifery-managed delivery unit’, /Midwifery,/ vol. 11. pp 163-173

Leap, N. 1997, ‘Caseload Practice that works’, /MIDIRS Midwifery Digest,/ vol. 7, no. 4,

pp. 416-418

Magerey, A., 2004, ‘Evaluation in primary health care’, lecture notes distributed in the topic Managing Midwifery Practice 2, (MIDW 3005) at Flinders University of South Australia, Bedford Park on 25 March

Maternity Coalition, Australian Society of Independent Midwives and Community Midwifery WA Inc., 2002, ‘National Maternity Action Plan, /Birth Matters/, vol. 6 no. 3 Sept, p. 18-19, also avail. at _www.maternitycoalition.org.au/nmap.html_

Mc Court, A., Page, L., Hewison, J. & Vail, A., 1998, ‘Evaluation of one-to-one midwifery: Women’s responses to care’, /Birth/, vol. 25, no. 2, June, pp. 73-80

NHMRC 1996, /National Health & Medical Research Council Options for Effective Care in Childbirth/, Australian Government Printing Service, Canberra

NHMRC 1998, /Review of Services Offered by Midwives/, Australian Government Printing Service, Canberra

Oakley, A., Hickey, D. & Rajan, L., 1996, ‘Social support in pregnancy: does it have long-term effects?’, /Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology/, vol.14, pp. 7-22.

Page, L., McCourt, C., Beake, S. & Hewison, J., 1999, ‘Clinical interventions and outcomes of one-to-one midwifery practice’, /Journal of Public Health Medicine,/ vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 243-248.

Page, L. 2000, /The New Midwifery – Science and Sensitivity in Practice, /Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.

* *

Passant, L., Homer, C. & Wills, J., 2003, ‘From student to midwife: the experiences of newly graduated midwives working in an innovative model of midwifery care’, /Australian Midwifery,/ Dec. 2003, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 18-21.

Rooks, J., 1999, ‘The midwifery model of care’, /Journal of Nurse-Midwifery/, vol. 44,

no. 4, July/August, p. 370-374.

Rowley, M., Hensley, M., Brinsmead, M. & Wlodarczyk, J. 1995, ‘Continuity of care by a midwife team versus routine care during pregnancy and birth: a randomised trial’, /Medical Journal of Australia, /vol. 163, Sept, pp. 289- 293.

Sandall, J., 1995, ‘Choice, continuity and control: changing midwifery towards a sociological perspective’, /Midwifery/, vol.11, pp. 201-207.

Sandall, J., 1996, ‘Moving towards caseload practice: what evidence do we have?’,

/ British Journal of Midwifery/, vol.4, no. 12, pp. 620-621.

Sandall, J. 1999, ‘Team midwifery and burnout in midwives in the UK: practical lessons from a national study, /MIDIRS Midwifery Digest/, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 147-151.

Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee 1999, /Rocking the Cradle. A Report into Childbirth Practices/, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra.

South Australian Health Commission 1995/, Report of the South Australian Models of/ /Care Working Party/, Adelaide.

Spurgeon, P., Hicks, C. & Barwell, F., 2001, ‘Antenatal, delivery and postnatal comparisons of maternal satisfaction with two pilot Changing Childbirth schemes compared with a traditional model of care’, /Midwifery/, vol. 17, pp. 123-132.

_ _

Teate, A., 2000, ‘Community midwives programme in Adelaide’s Northern suburbs’,

/Midwives Muse/, Spring, p. 5

_ _

Tinkler, A. & Quinney, D., 1998, ‘Team midwifery: the influence of the midwife-woman

relationship on women’s experiences and perceptions of maternity care’, /Journal of/

/Advanced Nursing/, vol.28, no.1, pp. 31-35.

_ _

Tracy, S.K. & Tracy, M.B., 2003, ‘Costing the cascade: estimating the cost of increased obstetric intervention in childbirth using population data’, /British Journal of Obstetrics/ /and/ /Gynaecology,/ vol. 110, pp. 717-724.

Tracy, S., Barclay, L.B. & Brodie, P., 2000, ‘Contemporary issues in workforce and education of Australian midwives’, /Australian Health Review,/ Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 78-88

Turnbull, D., McGinley, M., Fyvie, H., Johnstone, I., Holmes, A., Shields, N.,

Cheyne, H. & MacLennan, B., 1995, ‘Implementation and evaluation of a midwifery development unit’, /British Journal of Midwifery/, vol.3, no. 9, pp. 465-468.

Waldenstrom, U., 1998, ‘Continuity of carer and satisfaction’, /Midwifery/, vol.14,

pp. 207-213.

Walsh, D., 1996, ‘Evaluating new maternity services: some pointers and pitfalls’,/ British/ /Journal of Midwfery,/ vol..4, no. 11, pp. 598-600.

* *

Walsh D. 1999, ‘An ethnographic study of women’s experience of partnership caseload midwifery practice: the professional as friend’, /Midwifery,/ vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 165-175

Webber, A., 1998, ‘Mothers with Midwives – A South Australian Experience of Caseload Midwifery’, /New Models of Maternity Service Provision: Australian Midwifery Perspectives Conference,/ Adelaide, 5-6 November.


Jennifairy Gillett RM

Midwife in Private Practice

Women’s Health Teaching Associate

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