Homebirth could be an option for this woman if she find practitioners
willing to attend. Remember she will receive twice the maternity
allowance of $4000 (from July on) so the costs of the homebirth will be
My med student daughter only yesterday was with an obstetrician who
stated that the only real reason for c/sections was placenta praevias -
so encourage the woman to keep that firmly in mind.
If the first baby settles head first then there is a very good chance
that she can birth the twins vaginally - at home if midwives are willing
or in reasonable hospitals if appropriate care and care-providers can be
Sounds like she has the courage to work for the birth that she wants, so
good luck.
I'm not familiar with the scene in Melbourne but there is a good lot of
support there for women wishing to avoid the obstetric treadmill.
Dear list,
I hope you can suggest a few options for a friend's daughter who is
pregnant with twins and looking for women-friendly care. Her
holistic background combined with initial visits to GP
and obstetrician has left her disturbed, defiant, and wary of getting
caught up in the system. But she is unsure of her options.
I've given her some general information about multiples (from
'Midwifery Matters', UK Midwifery archives, this list, AIMS, 'Birth
Matters', details of MIPP etc.) together with some very-much-needed
positive twin birth stories - all of which has affirmed her strong
desire to keep this pregnancy and birth normal.
She lives in outer S.E. suburbs of Melbourne. Is open to independent
midwifery care, although money is an issue. Also no private health
insurance. She's feels limited in her options and pushed to obstetric
care by default, and is asking for names of women-friendly
practitioners. (Heard there was someone out Warrigal way?)
What are her options? As 'high risk' does she qualify for any
midwifery care programs? Are there any decent public shared
care options in the area? And if she is pushed to find the money
for private care how would the cost of independent midwifery
care compare with an obstetrician?
Any suggestions most welcome at this stage.
Many thanks,
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