Title: Mastitis question
'They'  say it can't, but common sense infers that it is possible. We do encourage mums to keep on with the b/f, hopefully someone will have the answer.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Megan & Larry
Sent: Tuesday, 25 April 2006 10:34 AM
To: ozmidwifery
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Mastitis question

Can a mother pass on her infecton to her breastfeeding child when she has mastitis?

Its just that I had what to me was obvious mastitis on Sat, quite a decent case of it, very sore breast, redness, fever, vomiting, quite ill. Still recovering on Monday when my breastfeeding 22 mth old developed a fever and vomiting. This morning he is quite recovered but no doubt will need a very quiet day still.

So, is this a coincidence, or can the child become infected too? We were both rundown form a busy few weeks, so the rest was well needed, just wanted it without the misery.

Thanks in advance


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