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If you disagree with Kay Gibbons from the Murdoch Children's Research Institute, who says ' I don't think there's been a widespread practice of people stopping breastfeeding because they believe their child wasn't growing adequately' let her know of your experience!

WHO announces new baby growth charts


The World Today - Friday, 28 April , 2006  12:34:00

Reporter: Alison Caldwell

EDMOND ROY: Just how well is your baby doing?

Most parents have followed their child's growth as a series of dots on graphs charting what's normal at the infant's age.

But now the World Health Organisation has announced new charts, saying the old figures for a child's normal weight were set too high and might even have encouraged obesity.

So today the organisation has released new growth charts and in a major break from the past, those figures recognise breastfeeding as the biological norm when it comes to measuring what a healthy baby should weigh.

Alison Caldwell reports.

ALISON CALDWELL: For over a generation, new parents and doctors thought bouncing bonny babies were the picture of perfect health, but not anymore.

Today the World Health Organisation is releasing new baby growth charts.

Paediatrician Dr Gillian Opie says they're long overdue.

GILLIAN OPIE: The problem that we've had with our growth charts for many years is that we've not had well-developed, well-referenced growth charts.

For some years now in Australia we've been using growth charts that were developed in the United States of America, and we know that there's a huge problem with obesity in America.

And children there are predominantly formula-fed, and those children tend to be heavier than a normal breastfed baby would be.

ALISON CALDWELL: Since 1997, the World Health Organisation has studied 8,000 children from six different countries where breastfeeding, good diets and prevention and control of infection prevailed.

The study concluded that the old growth charts pitched target weights too high, in some cases by as much as half a kilo.

The old charts were based on calculations using the growth patterns of babies fed for the most part on formula milk.

The difference is the new charts establish breastfeeding as the biological norm.

Dr Gillian Opie from the Mercy Hospital for Woman in Melbourne says the study will give breastfeeding mothers more confidence.

GILLIAN OPIE: Breastfed babies tend to grow about the same or a little bit more than formula-fed babies for the first two to three months of age in terms of their weight, and then breastfed babies start to regulate themselves much better and so they don't actually grow as much.

And in fact, if we compared them with a formula-fed baby, we would have said in the past that the breastfed babies were actually not growing appropriately.

And we now know that that's not true, that in fact the children that are not growing appropriately are the formula-fed babies. They're actually being, perhaps, overfed.

The implication from that has been is that our health professionals, thinking that they were doing the right thing, have been saying to mothers who were breastfeeding their babies that those children have not been getting enough calories.

And therefore mothers have been urged to give their babies maybe solids too early, because now we recommend exclusive breastfeeding to six months of age.

And mothers therefore, once they start supplementing their breastfed children with other foods, their breast milk supply drops off and that is contributing to our reduction in duration of breastfeeding.

KAY GIBBONS: We do know that breastfeeding is moderately protective toward childhood overweight and obesity.

But I don't think there's been a widespread practice of people stopping breastfeeding because they believe their child wasn't growing adequately.

ALISON CALDWELL: Kay Gibbons is a research fellow at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute.

She says the new charts will help increase awareness about childhood nutrition.

KAY GIBBONS: What it will do is make health professionals more aware of interpreting the charts and perhaps also having those charts as a reference point to refer to or use as a resource if needed.

The other important thing, I think, about something like these charts is that they will perhaps be very effective in a research sense: that what we do in practice is one thing, but if we're thinking about research in the area then these charts would obviously be a standard we'd want to look to and they would be very useful in a research context.

EDMOND ROY: Kay Gibbons from the Murdoch Children's Research Institute, speaking with Alison Caldwell.

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