You can download the new WHO charts online now...

At 5:41 AM +0100 30/4/06, denise thomson wrote:
>In the UK there has been repeated talk of breastfeeding centile charts but no 
>one has actually seen one. Instead the mothers are subjected to pre feed and 
>after feed weighing in some hospitals, neither wonder people get stressed 
>about breastfeeding! I wonder how long it will take these charts to come out 
>over in Australia.
>Do you have the centile charts for Down syndrome babies- these have been 
>recognised as being required in the uk?
>Jo Bourne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The thing that surprises me is that most of my friends have exclusively 
>breastfed and produced babies with rolls on their rolls and crevices so deep 
>you can't find the bottom of them... My own daughter was off the chart at 6 
>months (she was exclusively breastfed until somewhere around 16 months). They 
>did generally seem to look different to chubby formula babies though, sort of 
>softer looking fat.
>At 10:42 AM +0800 25/4/06, Susan Cudlipp wrote:
>>This is interesting Kelly and about time these wretched charts were consigned 
>>to the bin.
>>I did a lactation course a few years ago and the facilitator asked us to all 
>>bring in our own babies health records, some of which were very old! It was 
>>obvious that all of us who had breast fed produced babies with very different 
>>growth patterns to that specified on the chart. She explained about the 
>>growth being based on formula feeding, which was something most of us were 
>>unaware of.
>>"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do 
>>Edmund Burke
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: Kelly @ BellyBelly
>>Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 7:13 AM
>>Subject: [ozmidwifery] Breastfeeding Mothers Given Wrong Advice for 40 Years
>>Breastfeeding evolution in Britain - WHO changes guidelines...
>>Mothers got wrong advice for 40 yearsSarah-Kate Templeton, Medical 
>>BREAST-FEEDING mothers have been given potentially harmful advice on infant 
>>nutrition for the past 40 years, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has 
>>Charts used in Britain for decades to advise mothers on a baby's optimum size 
>>have been based on the growth rates of infants fed on formula milk.
>>The organisation now says the advice given to millions of breast-feeding 
>>mothers was distorted because babies fed on formula milk put on weight far 
>>These breast-feeding mothers were wrongly told that their babies were 
>>underweight and were advised, or felt pressured, to fatten them up by giving 
>>them formula milk or extra solids.
>>Health experts believe the growth charts may have contributed to childhood 
>>obesity and associated problems such as diabetes and heart disease in later 
>>life. A government study has found that more than a quarter of children in 
>>English secondary schools are clinically obese, almost double the proportion 
>>a decade ago.
>>This week, the WHO will publish new growth standards based on a study of more 
>>than 8,000 breast-fed babies from six countries around the world. They will 
>>say the optimum size is that of a breast-fed baby.
>>The move will put pressure on British doctors to replace charts which, for 
>>the last four decades, have taken into account the growth patterns of 
>>bottle-fed babies.
>>Professor Tim Cole, of the Institute of Child Health at University College 
>>London, said: "We should change to a growth chart based on breast-fed babies. 
>>During their first year they do not put on as much weight as those fed on 
>>formula milk. Breast-fed babies are less likely to be fat later in life and 
>>to develop complications such as diabetes and heart disease."
>>Six years ago, Cole developed an alternative chart based on breast-fed babies 
>>but it has never been endorsed by the British medical establishment. The 
>>Child Growth Foundation, a UK charity, campaigns for the adoption of Cole's 
> >
>>The foundation claims breast-fed babies are, on average, at 22lb at 12 
>>months, about 1lb lighter than those fed solely on formula milk. It is 
>>thought that breast-fed babies grow more slowly in the first year because 
>>they control the rate at which they feed, rather than being tied to their 
>>parents' notion of meal times.
>>Mercedes de Onis, who co-ordinates WHO child growth standards, said: 
>>"Breast-fed babies appear to self-regulate their energy intake to lower
>>levels. Breast-fed babies have different metabolic rates and different 
>>sleeping patterns. Formula-fed babies seem to have higher intakes of energy 
>>and, as a result, are heavier."
>>The American Academy of Pediatrics has warned that being overweight as a baby 
>>is a key early risk factor for heart disease and diabetes.
>>The babies who were the models for the new WHO standards were selected for 
>>good health. They were all breast-fed, their mothers did not smoke and they 
>>received good health care.
>>The WHO says babies should be fed solely on breast milk for up to six months. 
>>In Britain, fewer than 10% of babies are getting only breast milk by this age.
>>The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health is to meet this summer to 
>>discuss the new WHO standards.
>>The Department of Health said: "Once WHO publishes the new growth charts we 
>>will assess the need for revisions to the UK growth charts."
>>Best Regards,
>>Kelly Zantey
>>Gentle Solutions From Conception to Parenthood
>>BellyBelly Birth Support -
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>Jo Bourne
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