Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] Birth Centres in West NSW?
Justine states:
"Bankstown Hospital is an un-sung hero
Have a look at the NSW Mother’s and Babies Report. Bankstown has a 4% epidural rate (Go beat that!)
They have some wonderful midwives and lovely water births."
Rosebud Hospital must be another unsung hero.
ZERO epidural rate, alot of wonderful midwives who run a warm friendly pregnancy clinic & lovely peaceful waterbirths.Plus the Mother Baby Unit for women who are experiencing parenting difficulties,special prenatal care program for young women, in & out patient support services for feeding/sleeping/settling issues and a largely wholistic care approach.
With kind regards
Brenda Manning
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 9:15 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Birth Centres in West NSW?

There is a Birth Centre at Blacktown and at Auburn

Also one at Bankstown

Bankstown Hospital is an un-sung hero

Have a look at the NSW Mother’s and Babies Report. Bankstown has a 4% epidural rate (Go beat that!)

They have some wonderful midwives and lovely water births.  Jan Robinson  had a client who birthed twins in water there!! (Must say I’m impressed)

Why not employ an IPM and Birth at the Birth Centre??  This would ensure continuity but enable the location the woman is comfortable in.

E-mail off list for some contacts.


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