Whoops - this response was following a thread on the C-Aware list in case you are wondering how it fits in..

Camden, Ryde and Wyong Hospitals stood out with high (greater than 80%) Vaginal birth figures! I know Wyong and Ryde are low risk and there were under 300 births but it still looks pretty impressive.  Does anyone know if the figures stated as "Belmont" are for the private hospital or the birthing centre - I would guess it is the private hospital as I don't think the birth centre has been open for that long (correct me if I am wrong). 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 8:31 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Taiwanese women avoid LUSCS in July blog

This was a blog in the Sydney Morning Herald....

Taiwanese mothers-to-be avoid caesarean section births during the lunar month of July - because of a belief that this "ghost month" is inauspicious for any major surgery.
Some of them bring their operations forward to June, researchers from Taipei Medical University has found. Despite there being no evidence of any reduction in obstetric complications, c-sections were fewer, Herng-Chin Lin reported in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health - especially for more trivial indications.

And the women who forgo a caesar, presumably, just push them out as nature intended.
Maybe we could do with a ghost month in NSW, where the surgical birth rate continues to skyrocket, according to the fascinating statistics from the NSW Midwives Data Collection. Check pages 97 and 98 on the pdf to see which hospitals are delivering nearly half their babies by caesarean. (Clue: Kareena Private, North Shore Private and the Mater in particular, just about any private hospital in general).

Julie Robotham
May 14, 2006 06:14 PM


Just a note in defense of the midwives and doctors at the Mater. I had both my boys at the Mater. The first by C Section after every attempt had been made to deliver him naturally and the second naturally. I had booked in for a C section for the second as I believed this to be the safest option (my research)but when I went into labor naturally both the midwives and my OB encouraged me to try to deliver naturally. Everyone was very happy when I did.

I truely believe that the majority of doctors are either acting in the best interests of their patients or indeed at the behest of their patients.

Perhaps we should be asking why mothers are opting for C sections rather than having a go at the doctors and the hospitals.

  • Posted by: Pip Davies at May 14, 2006 09:43 PM

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