Recently where I work a primip come in at term plus 7 days in early labour about 11pm.  She had a CTG at 3pm which was reactive, good variability etc.  (they do routine CTG's on post-dates women).  The woman wasn't in established labour and the midwife suggested she return home.  The woman wasn't keen for this so stayed and the FHR was auscultated every couple of hours and was normal, with the woman still not in active labour.  Apparently after change of shift the next midwife couldn't find a FHR and USS confirmed the baby had died within the last couple of hours.  I wasn't caring for this woman so don't know all the details but apparently she had an uneventful pregnancy although she had presented three times during pregnancy with decreased movements and the CTG's were always normal.
To me it just proves again the unreliability of CTG's.  Just interested in what others think.....

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