Dear Midwifery Colleagues
I am currently undertaking a PhD at the University of Ulster, Northern Ireland.  My supervisors are Dr Marlene Sinclair and Professor W. George Kernohan.
Part of my study is focussed on midwives experience of pregnant women using the Internet.  If you are a midwife who has direct contact with pregnant women or postnatal mothers, I would like to invite you and any of your colleagues who meet the criteria to complete an online questionnaire, which would take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.
By entering or clicking on the web address: and then clicking on 'Internet use in Pregnancy Questionnaire' will take you directly to the questionnaire.
The Office for Research Ethics Committee, Northern Ireland (ORECNI) has granted approval for this study.
Many thanks for reading this, apologies to those for whom it may not be relevant.
Kind regards
Briege Lagan (PhD Student/Clinical Midwife Specialist)
Room B035
Institute of Nursing Research
University of Ulster
cromore Road
Northern Ireland
Phone: 44 (0) 28 703 23022

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