Hello everyone


I am enquiring on behalf of a friend who is 33 wks pregnant with No 3.  Previous 2 pregnancies ended in C-sec.  She is seeking out any VBAC friendly doctors in Perth who can provide accurate information without all the emotive BS.  She is still feeling very traumatized by first two births and it would be so wonderful for her to have a healing experience of birth this time around…This is her email to my sister


Would you know where would be the best place to look if I am looking for

medical journals to do my own research on C-sections etc etc?  Tadzik said

the Library at Sir Charles Gairdner.  I do not want to ask doctors because

they only repeat what they hear from each other.  I want some truthful

information - as accurate and up-to date as possible.


Would Amy know anyone I can speak to?  Even interstate?


This Woman has been told that she has to have another C-sec or she faces a “high chance” of requiring a hysterectomy following vaginal birth.  A statement which we all know is more emotive and threatening than factual 


She has also asked if I know of any midwives or doulas who might be able to provide information/support.


Any ideas…directions please??  We are in Perth,






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