At last - something positive about birth in the media!!
In todays Health and Medicine section of the west was  3 page cover on where and why women choose to birth.  Mums ranged from: 1 unplanned C/S for preterm breech, 1 planned c/s for placenta praevia, 1 planned c/s who changed her mind after talking to a midwife and had a '2 hour natural labour and birth', 1 VBAC, 1 Birth Centre birth and 1 planned homebirth!!!
They also recommended talking to a GP or midwife (note - NOT an obstetrician! in fact the "O" word barely gets a mention but "midwife' gets plenty) and checking out all the hosps, birth centre and community midwifery program (i.e. shop around) plus some good reading, and informing yourself/ asking questions/changing your mind and knowing that you can make these choices.
Women need to get more of this- more balanced views on birth and understand that they have choices - it quite cheered me up today!

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