can I ask why is a letter being written to the chemist? Was this a MCHN or a nurse in a different role. I live in the country and MCHN are in a child health centre office.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 8:22 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] MCHN problems

Thank goodness she is going to do something about this – it was one of the Moderators on my site that this happened to:


I took Rosie down yesterday just to get her weighed - (9kg BTW! 90th percentile, and my smallest bubba at this age ). Anyway she was going through the book and checking off all of the questions relating to a 6month old when it came to solids.... So I tell her that Rosie isn't really into them, so we are just trying little bits to get her used to textures and flavours.

This nurse was a nutter - this is what she told me...

So goes off saying that at 6months she should be having a few meals a day then puts her hands up to her head and says "Hmmm just I don't think we'll introduce formula at this point" WT???? Formula??? I am breastfeeding with NO supply problems, and no problems other than being worn out and she is thinking formula???

Then says that she is surprised that I am able to breastfeed because she is my third baby and the quality of my milk wouldn't be so good.

Then...and this is the corker...says that I should deny Imogen breast because a baby will eat when it gets hungry. I may have to put up with screaming for a while until she realises that she won't be getting a breast feed, but when she's that hungry she'll eat solid food...
OMG OMG OMG And I should give water instead of BM.

She also started talking developmental delay because Imogen is too lazy to get up and move! She is ONLY 6 MONTHS!!! Thank God I am confident in my mothering enough to ignore all of her crap!

This is the same nurse that told me that when Imogen was 4months old that she should start solid food because being 8kgs, she is ready.

Anyway my point to this massive post is that, is it any wonder that people introduce solid food at 3months, or cut down milk feeds for solids.... I fear for the new mothers that don't have the confidence in themselves to do what is right. Not once did she mention that milk is to be the primary food until 12months, or that solid food is just complimentary until then. This health professional is giving out dodgy advice and people will believe her because of her position as a CHN.

I will be writing to the chemist and complaining about the advice given, because she is going against all WHO recommendations and I am sure she has made more than one mother feel like crap because of her stupid ideas.



Best Regards,

Kelly Zantey
Gentle Solutions From Conception to Parenthood
BellyBelly Birth Support -


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