Perinatal outcome and amniotic fluid index in the antepartum and intrapartum
periods: A meta-analysis [General Obstetrics And Gynecology: Obstetrics]
Chauhan, Suneet P. MDa; Sanderson, Maureen PhDb; Hendrix, Nancy W. MDa;
Magann, Everett F. MDc; Devoe, Lawrence D. MDd

Spartanburg and Columbia, South Carolina, Jackson, Mississippi, and Augusta,
Georgia From the Spartanburg Regional Medical Center,a the Department of
Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of South Carolina,b the
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Mississippi,c and the
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical College of Georgia.d
Received for publication October 2, 1998; revised January 19, 1999; accepted
July 29, 1999. Reprint requests: Suneet P. Chauhan, MD, Division of
Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Regional Women's Health Care, 853 North Church St,
Suite 403, Spartanburg, SC 29303. Abstract
OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to perform a meta-analysis of studies on the
risks of cesarean delivery for fetal distress, 5-minute Apgar score <7, and
umbilical arterial pH <7.00 in patients with antepartum or intrapartum
amniotic fluid index >5.0 or <5.0 cm.

STUDY DESIGN: Using a MEDLINE search, we reviewed all studies published
between 1987 and 1997 that correlated antepartum or intrapartum amniotic
fluid index with adverse peripartum outcomes. The inclusion criteria were
studies in English that associated at least one of the selected adverse
outcomes with an amniotic fluid index of <=5.0 cm versus >5.0 cm.
Contingency tables were constructed for each study, and relative risks and
standard errors of their logs were calculated. Fixed-effects pooled relative
risks were calculated for groups of studies that were homogeneous, whereas
random-effects pooled relative risks were calculated for significantly
heterogeneous groups of studies.

RESULTS: Eighteen reports describing 10,551 patients met our inclusion
criteria. An antepartum amniotic fluid index of <=5.0 cm, in comparison with
>5.0 cm, is associated with an increased risk of cesarean delivery for fetal
distress (pooled relative risk, 2.2; 95% confidence interval, 1.5-3.4) and
an Apgar score of <7 at 5 minutes (pooled relative risk, 5.2; 95% confidence
interval, 2.4-11.3). An intrapartum amniotic fluid index of <=5.0 cm is also
associated with an increased risk of cesarean delivery for fetal distress
(pooled relative risk, 1.7; 95% confidence interval, 1.1-2.6) and an Apgar
score <7 at 5 minutes (pooled relative risk, 1.8; 95% confidence interval,
1.2-2.7). A poor correlation between the amniotic fluid index and neonatal
acidosis was noted in the only study that examined this end point. More than
23,000 patients are necessary to demonstrate that the incidence of umbilical
arterial pH <7.00 is 1.5 times higher among those with oligohydramnios in
labor than among those with adequate amniotic fluid index ([alpha] = 0.05;
[beta] = 0.2)

CONCLUSIONS: An antepartum or intrapartum amniotic fluid index of <=5.0 cm
is associated with a significantly increased risk of cesarean delivery for
fetal distress and a low Apgar score at 5 minutes. There are few reports
linking amniotic fluid index and neonatal acidosis, the only objective
assessment of fetal well-being. A multicenter study with sufficient power
should be undertaken to demonstrate that a low amniotic fluid index is
associated with an umbilical arterial pH <7.00.


Ultrasonographic assessment of amniotic fluid is used frequently to identify
fetuses at risk of having adverse outcomes as suggested by the finding of
abnormal fluid volumes. Hydramnios is associated with anomalies or
aneuploidy,1 whereas oligohydramnios is linked with pulmonary hypoplasia,
postural deformity, fetal distress, and perinatal morbidity and death.2 In
1987 Phelan et al 3 described the amniotic fluid index (AFI) as the
summation of the largest vertical pocket in 4 quadrants. This technique of
assessing amniotic fluid volume has become increasingly popular in obstetric
practice. A MEDLINE search for reports published from 1987 to 1997 includes
125 publications with AFI as the subject. A recent Technical Bulletin on
obstetric ultrasonography from The American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists 4 states that AFI is a more accurate and reproducible method
of determining abnormalities in amniotic fluid volume than are other
techniques. An AFI <=5.0 cm, consistent with most ultrasonographic criteria
for oligohydramnios, has been used as an indication for delivery of infants
at or near term. This practice has been suggested by Rutherford et al 5 and
by Sarno et al,6 who noted a significantly higher risk of cesarean delivery
for fetal distress and low Apgar scores for those parturients with an AFI
<=5.0 cm than for those with an AFI >5.0 cm. Since these initial
publications, other investigators have not consistently confirmed the
association of adverse peripartum outcomes with an AFI <=5.0 cm.7-9

The purpose of this meta-analysis was to determine the relative risks of
cesarean delivery for fetal distress, 5-minute Apgar score <7, and umbilical
arterial pH <7.00 among patients with AFI >5.0 or <=5.0 cm.

Material and methods
A MEDLINE search was conducted for all English-language publications
involving human subjects with the key words or phrases being amniotic fluid
index, oligohydramnios, and amniotic fluid. The search was limited to the
years 1987-1997, since the index publication by Phelan et al,3 which
introduced the concept of AFI in 1987. Other inclusion criteria for the
studies considered in the meta-analysis were (1) publication in a
peer-reviewed journal, (2) determination of AFI by the technique of Phelan
et al,3 (3) criteria for oligohydramnios as AFI <=5.0 cm, and (4) reporting
of the incidences of cesarean delivery for fetal distress, or Apgar score <7
at 5 minutes, or umbilical arterial pH <7.00 at the AFI thresholds specified
earlier. If a study that combined operative vaginal and cesarean deliveries
for fetal distress in 1 group reported the incidence of low Apgar scores or
of neonatal acidosis, then the study was included for the analysis of the
latter 2 outcomes. If there was >1 publication with the same investigators
and institution, then the one with the largest sample size was included in
the analysis. Two of the authors (S.P.C. and N.W.H.) reviewed each
publication independently to determine its compliance with inclusion
criteria. All studies that met the inclusion criteria were next grouped by
the timing of AFI assessment, as obtained during either the antepartum or
the intrapartum period. The meta-analyses of these 2 groups were done

>From 1987 to 1997 there were 42 articles that correlated AFI and peripartum
outcome. Thirteen reports were excluded from analysis because the
investigators did not define oligohydramnios with an AFI <=5.0 cm. Six
reports were excluded because they did not identify individually the 3
adverse outcomes of interest. Four studies were excluded because the same
authors had publications from the same institution with a larger sample
size. One report (reference available from the primary author, S.P.C.) was
not incorporated in the meta-analysis because the authors did not adhere to
the technique of Phelan et al.3 This resulted in the inclusion of 18 studies
5-22 that met all inclusion criteria.

After exclusion of the only case-control study,18 incidences and 95%
confidence intervals were calculated for abnormal conditions and for each of
the subgroups related to 1 of the 4 adverse outcomes. On the basis of the
numbers of patients with AFI <=5.0 cm and the particular outcome of
interest, a 2 × 2 table was constructed for each study. We added 0.5 to 0
cells, and the relative risk and standard error of the logs were calculated
for each table. For the pooled relative risk, each study was weighted by
means of the inverse of the variance of the relative risk. Fixed-effects
pooled relative risks were calculated for groups of studies that were
homogeneous, whereas random-effects pooled relative risks were calculated
for significantly heterogeneous groups of studies.

Eight publications 5, 9,15-17, 20-22 examined the relationship of antepartum
AFI to peripartum outcome. Four of these reports 5, 15, 20, 22 involved
high-risk patients for whom antepartum surveillance was indicated; 3 reports
focused on patients with a single complication (diabetic pregnancy,17 severe
preeclampsia at <34 weeks' gestation,9 or gestational age of >=41 weeks 21);
and 1 study 16 included patients between 37 and 42 weeks' gestation with
intact membranes but did not specify the indication for assessment of
amniotic fluid. All these reports excluded patients with ruptured membranes.
These 8 studies 5, 9, 15-17, 20-22 contained 5962 patients with an overall
incidence of oligohydramnios of 15.2% (907/5962; 95% confidence interval
14.3-16.1). The prevalence of AFI <=5.0 cm varied from 2.9% (9/311)16 to
41.3% (98/237) (reference available from S.P.C.).

Seven of these reports 5, 9, 15-17, 20, 21 identified the risk of cesarean
delivery for fetal distress among those with AFI <=5.0 cm; 1 study was
excluded because it combined all operative deliveries (vaginal and
abdominal) for distress as abnormal outcome.22 In these 7 studies,5, 9,
15-17, 20, 21 635 of 5786 patients had cesarean delivery for fetal distress.
Table I describes the relative risk and 95% confidence interval for each of
the 7 studies. The pooled relative risk for cesarean delivery for fetal
distress associated with antepartum AFI of <=5.0 cm was 2.22 (95% confidence
interval, 1.47-3.37). The random-effects pooled relative risk is presented
because there appeared to be significant heterogeneity of studies ([chi]2 =
11.41; 6 degrees of freedom; P = .076). Six of these studies 5, 15, 16,
20-22 reported the association of AFI and Apgar score <7 at 5 minutes
(132/4325 patients). The relative risk and 95% confidence interval for these
studies is described in Table II. The random-effects pooled relative risk of
5.16 (95% confidence interval, 2.36-11.29) is presented because there is
evidence of significant study heterogeneity ([chi]2 = 10.85; 5 degrees of
freedom; P = .054). None of these 8 studies 5, 9, 15-17, 20-22 reported the
incidence of umbilical arterial pH <7.10 or <7.00 among those patients with
oligohydramnios or adequate amniotic fluid.

[Help with image viewing] 
[Email Jumpstart To Image]  Table I. Antepartum AFI and risk of cesarean
delivery for fetal distress  


[Help with image viewing] 
[Email Jumpstart To Image]  Table II. Antepartum AFI and risk of Apgar score
<7 at 5 minutes  


Ten studies 6-8, 10-14, 18, 19 correlated intrapartum AFI and peripartum
complications; 7 of these studies 6, 8, 11-13, 18, 19 examined assessment of
amniotic fluid irrespective of maternal or fetal complications. One study 7
involved only patients at >=36 weeks' gestation with ruptured membranes; 1
study 10 focused on uncomplicated pregnancies at 37 to 42 weeks with early
labor; and 1 study 14 was concerned only with patients who had antecedent
obstetric or medical complications. All studies 6-8, 10-14, 18, 19
determined AFI during hospitalization and excluded patients who underwent
elective cesarean delivery or had fetal distress on admission that required
prompt delivery. These 10 studies 6-8, 10-14, 18, 19 contained >4500
parturients with an overall incidence of AFI <=5.0 cm of 21.9% (1004/4589;
95% confidence interval, 20.7-23.1); the range of oligohydramnios was 4.1%
(37/893)10 to 37.8% (169/447).12

Of these 10 reports, 9 involved >3500 parturients and provided the risk of
cesarean delivery for fetal distress among those with an AFI of <=5 cm
versus >5.0 cm. One report 10 was excluded from this analysis because it
combined all operative deliveries for fetal distress as a single category.
Overall the risk of this adverse outcome was 6.3% (230/3672; 95% confidence
interval, 5.5-7.1). Table III provides the relative risk and 95% confidence
interval for each of these 9 publications.6-8, 11-14, 18, 19 The pooled
relative risk for cesarean delivery because of fetal distress associated
with an AFI <=5.0 cm was 1.69, with a 95% confidence interval of 1.12-2.57.
The exclusion of the only case-control study 18 did not substantially change
the pooled relative risk, but because the studies were heterogeneous, the
random-effects relative risk is presented ([chi]2 = 16.05; 8 degrees of
freedom; P = .042).

[Help with image viewing] 
[Email Jumpstart To Image]  Table III. Intrapartum AFI and risk of cesarean
delivery for fetal distress  


All 10 reports 6-8, 10-14, 18, 19 provided the risk of an Apgar score <7 at
5 minutes among the 2 groups. A total of 4565 parturients delivered 101
newborn infants (2.2%; 95% confidence interval, 1.8-2.7) who were depressed
at 5 minutes. Table IV presents the relative risk and 95% confidence
interval for each of the studies. We excluded the only case-control study 10
because its inclusion substantially changed the pooled relative risk. After
its exclusion, the studies were homogeneous ([chi]2 = 3.5; 9 degrees of
freedom; P = .089).

[Help with image viewing] 
[Email Jumpstart To Image]  Table IV. Intrapartum AFI and risk of Apgar
score <7 at 5 minutes  


Only 1 study 14 reported the risk of neonatal acidosis and amniotic fluid
status in early labor. Among high-risk parturients with an AFI <=5.0 or >5.0
cm, the incidence of umbilical arterial pH <7.10 is not significantly
different, 3.3% (6/184) and 7.2% (22/306; P = .07; relative risk, 0.5; 95%
confidence interval, 0.2-1.1). There was also no difference in the incidence
of umbilical arterial pH <7.00 among those with an AFI <=5.0 cm (0.5%;
1/184) or >5.0 cm (2.6%; 8/306) (P = .16, relative risk, 0.3; 95% confidence
interval, 0.4-1.8).

In term pregnancies oligohydramnios, defined by an ultrasonographic
determination of AFI <=5.0 cm, has been suggested as an indication for
delivery.14, 15, 18 Ten years after Phelan et al 3 described the
semiquantitative method of determining the AFI, it is reasonable to reassess
the evidence to support the criterion of an AFI <=5.0 cm as a clinical
cutoff point for intervention. Our meta-analysis showed that the use of the
AFI for clinical decision making is problematic.

First, the incidence of AFI <=5.0 cm, whether obtained in the antepartum or
the intrapartum period, varied widely (3%-40%).17, 22 A number of factors
could have accounted for this finding: (1) different patient populations
with varying prevalences of complications, (2) interobserver variability and
technique of insonation, and (3) diverse obstetric factors that influence
the actual volume of amniotic fluid. For example, among pregnant women with
diabetes,17 the incidence of oligohydramnios is 3%, but among patients with
severe preeclampsia,9 it is 20%. In a community hospital an AFI <=5.0 cm was
reported in 12% of cases,11 whereas at tertiary centers the incidence was
38%.12 Gestational age influences the normal distribution of AFI, resulting
in significant differences for preterm, term, and postterm pregnancy.23
Undeniably, there is interobserver variability when the deepest vertical
pockets are measured in 4 quadrants, particularly at the lower end of
amniotic fluid volumes.23 It would be impractical in clinical care to
perform multiple repetitions of this assessment to minimize this source of
error. Further, no prospective report has found an improvement in the
prediction of adverse outcomes when repeated measures of amniotic fluid were
used. Last, transducer pressure, the ambient temperature, altitude, diabetic
glucose control, and the status of maternal hydration and amniotic membranes
may influence AFI (reference available from S.P.C. on request). Considering
the potential number of confounding variables, it is not surprising that the
reported incidence of low AFI varies widely.

The second major finding of this meta-analysis is that, whether the amniotic
fluid is assessed in the antepartum or the intrapartum period, an AFI <=5
cm, in comparison with an AFI >5.0 cm, is associated with an increased risk
of cesarean delivery for fetal distress and an Apgar score <7 at 5 minutes
(Tables I-IV). Are these findings sufficient evidence that an AFI <=5.0 cm
reflects a compromised fetus who needs to be delivered if at term?
Admittedly, other factors are associated with an increased risk of abdominal
delivery or a depressed neonate. For example, the decision to proceed with
cesarean delivery because of fetal distress is based on factors such as
subjective interpretation of fetal heart rate tracing, the time of day and
the day of the week, the underlying medical complication, the gender of the
fetus, whether the parturient is managed by midwives or physicians, whether
continuous electronic tracing or intermittent auscultation is used during
labor, and whether the AFI is known.12, 24 Thus cesarean delivery for fetal
distress would be preferable only after a fetal scalp pH value is obtained.
However, because of cervical dilatation, non-availability of the machine, or
other constraints, the fetal pH may not be attainable before emergency
cesarean delivery. Only 2 of the antepartum studies 15, 16 and 1 of the
intrapartum studies 7 that met the inclusion criteria mentioned that scalp
pH values were used in the investigators' practices. However, none of these
3 reports 7, 15, 16 provided information about the results of scalp pH
determinations among those with or without an adequate AFI. A low Apgar
score may be the result of use of narcotics in labor, preterm birth, or
vigorous suctioning of the neonate. With a meta-analysis, it is not possible
to account for all these confounding variables and adverse outcomes.

The possibility of treatment paradox with antenatal tests for fetal
well-being and peripartum outcome should also be considered.25 According to
this concept, the outcome of diagnostic testing can be falsely improved
because an abnormal finding (oligohydramnios) leads to a series of
interventions (induction) that result in adverse outcomes (cesarean
delivery) that the test is supposed to prevent. The only study 12 to
randomize knowledge of AFI in laboring patients confirmed that awareness of
the status of amniotic fluid is associated with an increased incidence of
induction and cesarean section for fetal distress, without the benefit of
improved neonatal outcome.

The third and most important finding of this analysis is the lack of data on
the possible association between AFI and neonatal acidosis, the only
objective means to assess fetal well-being. Previously, umbilical arterial
pH <7.20 was consistent with acidosis in a newborn infant.26 Six reports 9,
14, 15, 18-20 included in the analysis noted an investigation of AFI and pH
<7.20. Three of these studies 9, 15, 20 obtained the AFI in the antepartum
period, and the remaining 3 14, 18, 19 during early labor. None of them
reported a significantly increased risk of umbilical arterial pH <7.20 with
an AFI of <=5 cm. In the largest study correlating antepartum AFI and
umbilical arterial pH <7.20, Hoskins et al 15 noted an increased risk of
acidosis only if an AFI <=5.0 cm is associated with severe variable

Recent evidence indicates that injury related to hypoxic-ischemic
encephalopathy does not occur unless the umbilical arterial pH is <7.00.26
Only 1 study 14 determined the link between intrapartum AFI and umbilical
arterial pH <7.00, and it showed a poor correlation between the 2. If
pathologic acidemia occurs in 0.7% of newborn infants, then approximately
11,600 patients are necessary in each group to demonstrate that, in
comparison with those having an AFI >5.0, the incidence of umbilical
arterial pH <7.00 is 1.5 times higher among those patients with
oligohydramnios ([alpha] = 0.05; [beta] = 0.2; power of 80%). Until such a
study is performed, smaller reports with periodic cumulative meta-analysis
will have to suffice.

Besides AFI, other methods of ultrasonographic assessment of AFI include
subjective assessment, single deepest pocket, an isolated pocket of at least
2 × 2 cm or 1 × 1 cm, and 2-diameter pocket.27 The only randomized study to
compare 2 techniques was by Alfirevic et al.28 These investigators randomly
allocated patients at >=42 weeks to have either computer cardiotocography
with AFI determination or computer cardiotocography with maximum pool depth.
These authors concluded that, although the neonatal outcomes were similar in
both groups, the incidence of oligohydramnios and subsequent inductions was
significantly higher among those who had AFI determinations rather than
deepest vertical pocket measurement. Thus, instead of the AFI, alternative
techniques of ultrasonographically assessing amniotic fluid could be used in
clinical practice.

Our meta-analysis has some frank limitations. Most important was our
decision to limit inclusion to studies that defined oligohydramnios as an
AFI <=5.0 cm, whereas other reports have set different AFI thresholds as
more appropriate (references available from S.P.C.). To keep the analysis
consistent, we chose <=5.0 cm as the threshold because that is what the
original report suggested 3 and because it is the commonly used definition
of the abnormal condition. A separate meta-analysis should evaluate the risk
of adverse outcomes at thresholds other than an AFI of <=5.0 cm. It should
be acknowledged that the quality of the meta-analysis is based on the nature
of the studies that are included.

We conclude that an AFI <=5.0 cm is associated with an increased risk of
cesarean delivery for fetal distress and low Apgar scores at 5 minutes. This
meta-analysis permits the clinician to gauge the relative risk of adverse
outcomes with oligohydramnios, using the criteria of Phelan et al,3 and
points out the lack of reports linking AFI and neonatal acidosis. A large
multicenter, randomized study is warranted to determine the benefits of
using AFI in antepartum surveillance or in early labor.

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Key words: Perinatal outcome; amniotic fluid index; meta-analysis


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