Forwarding this for a friend - her homebirthed  son actually - hes now making/ editing DVDs as a career
Subject: Baby DVD

Hi guys,

We are possibly making a US version of the Baby DVD. We'll need an American couple we can follow around for a couple of months and then film their birth. I was wondering if you guys might know anyone who might be keen, or have access to any groups or networks who may have interested people, basically I'm floundering in the dark and need leads! I don't think filming would be till early next year...



Leslie Marsh
Creative Director

Inspired Communication

PNMG Pty Ltd
8 /1 Danks St
Ph: +61 2 8399 2128
Fax: +61 2 8399 2141
Mob: 0433 399 280

Sydney - Melbourne - Adelaide

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