Mothers' cries for help met with silence
Deborah Gough
September 3, 2006

HUNDREDS of thousands of desperate mothers fearing for their babies' health are swamping a specialist helpline with calls for help but their pleas are going unanswered.

A staggering four out of every five callers to the Maternal and Child Health Line hang up in frustration after failing to get through.

The 24-hour line has become so burdened that it is placing extra, unwanted pressure on Victoria's health services, including the Royal Children's Hospital.

Heralded as a godsend for mothers struggling to cope with newborns and young children, the service is failing to keep up. Figures obtained by The Sunday Age reveal that of the 372,000 calls to the advice service in 2005-06, just 68,000 were answered.

The Australian Nursing Federation claims the service is chronically under-funded. With the state election in November, the union plans to put pressure on the State Government and the Liberal Opposition to fix it.

Victorian union secretary Lisa Fitzpatrick said the Government could not ignore the problem and was well aware of the potential consequences of inaction.

Young mother Leanne Michelle Azzopardi, of Caroline Springs, drowned her five-week-old baby, Hayley. Courts heard that she allegedly called the service eight times in 2003, but some of her calls were unanswered and abandoned.

"I would have thought that if you had a case like that it would have prompted a review of resources and funding," Ms Fitzpatrick said.

She said there were fears that the Government's new Nurse on Call telephone advice line would strip funding from the other service.

Staffed initially by volunteers from 1981, in 1991 the Kirner Labor government extended the service to after-hours and then, in 2000, the Bracks Government boosted it to 24 hours.

The Maternal and Child Health Line is supposed to help new mothers concerned about everything from crying and unsettled babies to constipated and very ill children. It answers queries about children up to school age.

Its staff are qualified maternal and child health nurses who are also midwives and have immunisation expertise.

The figures obtained by The Sunday Age show that 25,000 callers were told to contact a doctor, 3207 were told to go to hospital or an after-hours clinic, 3865 were told it was medically urgent and 95 were told to call an ambulance.

Most of the callers were mothers, 89.7 per cent, and were most likely to call when babies were aged six to 11 months. The peak time for calls was 8pm.

State Government spokeswoman Sofia Dedes said the service was not a crisis line but a support service.

A Department of Human Services spokeswoman said the service had helped 2570 more callers than the previous year and about 4100 more than 2003-04. Its funding had doubled since 2000 when it became a 24-hour service.

But Opposition community services and children spokeswoman Andrea Coote described the figures as astounding.

"That's 300,000 young mums left in the air," she said.

"These young mothers have so much pressure and all they are looking for is a bit of advice. No doubt this leads to pressure elsewhere in the system, with mothers turning up to wait for hours at the Royal Children's Hospital."

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