Hi Andrea,
Sorry If I gave the impression that I was upset that I wasn't personally contacted (smile)that's not really the case although I do feel that it is very personal to all who practice independently. I was a little defensive as it seems nobody wants debate they think we should all just say yes.  
The Independent midwives in SA all belong to the SA independent midwives group and we meet regularly.  I'm sure we are affiliated to the College although I can't be 100% on that I will find out.  Hey Tania are we affiliated to the college?however it is the Independent midwives group and it makes sense that it's a good way to get the word around by contacting them.
It's not that I'm not open minded because I really want to have insurance not for my practice but  to be able to provide across the board care for the women I birth with and to be recognised inside the system.  If however I was that concerned about not being covered I couldn't do what I do at the moment none of us could.  That's why I think if it's not right we shouldn't do it.
Sorry to the great women who are fighting our corner I really do know the work they have undertaken.
I couldn't find the information on the college website I certainly did try and I mailed them.
Thanks to the other Andrea for the information you gave it is what I already thought but talking frankly about it feels like the right thing to do before it goes any further.
Not wanting to Compare with another country but the RCM in Britain is very well subscribed because it offers so much, legal advice professional indemnity (although not to independents directly) good information and a strong voice.  It's a difficult one because without the members how can you get that but until you have it you won't encourage the members.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Fw: PI Insurance - urgent - more interested midwives needed

But Lisa how can the college communicate with people who have no affiliation with the college. They and others are trying valiantly to get the message around and this is why it ended up on this list.  It is and should be personal to you that the insurance is for you but taking it as a personal affront that you didn't receive a personal memo about this fledgling discussion is unreasonable. None of us did. We saw it on the same forums that you have the opportunity to participate in and have followed up on the invitations to participate.
No one is belittling anyones opinion but I got the impression from your emails that you were upset that you hadn't been given more information on what CA was offering and you have the same information the rest of us have at this stage. You are welcome to contact Anne O Connor from CA for more details.  It will be a new way of doing things for all of us but that is what they are offering in return for backing the insurance which no other company since 2003 has been prepared to do so of course they are going to want something in return.
Keep an open mind and don't get mad at the very people who are fighting hard for this on all of our behalves.
Andrea Quanchi
On 06/09/2006, at 12:35 PM, Lisa Barrett wrote:

Hang on personalising this debate is very important to me if I have to sign up.  Maybe that's the problem not personal enough!!
My SAIMA South Australian Independent Midwives Association. Should surely have received some information affiliated to the college or not.  Having Insurance doesn't hinge on belonging to the College of Midwives.  I was at the same day as Tania, Not a mention of any Insurance issues then.
I don't think for one minute I have confusion.  I want to feel to be important enough to be in the loop and wanted opinion from others around Australia of what they actually thought about this not just the party line. what I have to say is as important as everyone else just because I want to be cautious doesn't mean I should shut up surely.
I know there are people working hard out there to benefit the midwifery community but please don't belittle my opinion or that of My SAIMA.
Doesn't anyone else think that getting your woman to pay them and then they take what is required and give you the rest may be an issue.  Can we all start charging 30dollars and will that cover our insurance tax, commission etc. What if they are not happy with something and won't pay up.  They could start making policies and if we don't follow what they think is correct procedure they don't pay up. Has this been covered with the company?
Thanks everyone
----- Original Message -----
From: B & G
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 8:57 AM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Fw: PI Insurance - urgent - more interested midwives needed

Personalising debate is not wholesome. Its like NIMBY debates! 
An email went out via ACM update that people can subscribe to about PI to express an interest to the CEO at that stage. This was then relayed onto ozmidwifery. I do not think it has progressed beyond an _expression_ of interest from midwives to the college.
I rely on the elected members from my state branch of the College to act on everyones best interest. Some things especially business related do have some confidential discussions. One thing the College is particularly keen to do is to ensure safe practice and safe care hence progression of the Midwifery Practice Review nationally.
Your SAIMA are they affiliated to the College or participate in the College activities because this is probably where your confusion is coming from hearing things as you said 3rd hand? The college update is very informative and keeps you in the loop.

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