ohhhhhhh, so it's not just me !!!
With kind regards
Brenda Manning
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:19 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] List problems

Your message came to my inbox but not to my ozmidwifery sub folder.  The differences I can see is that all the ozmid messages have [ozmidwifery] in the subject heading and yours doesn't, it just says (no subject header).  And your message says To: midwifery list and my ozmid messages say To: ozmidwifery @acegraphics.com.au.
I have had this happen to me and tried to send the message two ways to figure it out.  Either go to your address book and create mail to ozmidwifery or reply to someone else's from the list.  I think I had more success with creating mail straight from my address book.  It isn't always a problem so I never understand why it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.  Go figure!
Good luck
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 12:38 AM
Subject: (No subject header)

Testing - are mails going missing again?
I posted one 3 times and it has not appeared in my in box, also very few posts these past 3 days

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