Thank-you very much Christine and Mary. She’s been hoping to be able to go into labour spontaneously for the first time, so we’ll find out more soon I guess. Thank-you!


Best Regards,


Kelly Zantey

From: [] On Behalf Of Mary Murphy
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:39 PM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] IUGR


The important measurement here is the abdominal circumference.  4 weeks below gest age indicates IUGR.  The next important measurement is U/S Doppler flow.  This, + Amniotic fluid levels are the most reliable indication of baby’s health.  Reverse Doppler flow the most ominous.  MM


From: [] On Behalf Of Christine Holliday
Sent: Tuesday, 10 October 2006 6:14 PM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] IUGR


The BPD is Bi-Parietal Diameter and is the width of her baby’s head.  She should really ask her midwife what this means as I believe this would indicate IUGR and that close observation is wise including a follow up USS in a few weeks to monitor growth as this may have slowed.  On the bright side the baby may have been breathing in when they measured it which gives a false reading, I presume thought that they watched for a while before taking the measurement to try and ensure this was not the case.  It is difficult to give advice with just a snapshot of a woman’s pregnancy and I may have a different opinion if I knew the woman and her whole history.  Hope this helps.




-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of Kelly @ BellyBelly
Sent: 10 October 2006 18:34
Subject: [ozmidwifery] IUGR


A mum and dear friend I am supporting is due on November 9th and has had two previous IOL for IUGR. At her scan today, she said:

”Head Circ around 31cm just a couple of days off Gestational Age... aka perfect
Leg bone length - Perfect about 4 days off Gest Age
BPD (not sure what that is) - Approx a week under Gest Age
Amnio Levels - Perfect
Blood flow through cord - Perfect
AC (stomach circ) - 4 weeks below gestational age - she checked it 3 times.

So they graphed it and the computer automatically plotted it and gave a weight reading.

4lb 11oz the computer was saying give or take 13% on each side of that. So looks like another tiny baby on my hands. Now we have to sit and wait what they say at my next antenatal appointment, at my last she said if there is an issue she may call me in early.

They checked this scan against Kameron and Lachlans too at the same gest age and Ashton is not far off what they were predicted for both the boys. Lachlan at 35wks 1 day they predicted 4lb 9oz. I am 35wks 5 days today. So pretty much the same, so I am expecting a 6lb something to be born.”


Can anyone offer and insight into this – is it an indicator that IUGR may be diagnosed again?


Best Regards,


Kelly Zantey



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