What was said on "Life at 1"?

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Barbara Glare & Chris Bright
Sent: Friday, 20 October 2006 5:07 AM
To: ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] I need to vent!!!

They won't have free rein if we all (mothers and health professionals COMPLAIN)  It amazes me that amidst the ocean of media report about healthy eating and obesity, the importance of breastfeeding is ignored, or ridiculed on television as it was on "Sunrise" yesterday morning (and probably will be on 60 minutes on the weekend) or crucified like it was on "Life at One" last week. 
The media needs to lift it's act, and they will only do so when they get the message from US. 
Yesterday morning "Sunrise" did an article on David Suzuki, talking about in 1992 more than 1/2 of the world's scientific Nobel Laureats wrote an open letter warning of the damage to the enviromnment.  No media outlet in the world ran the story.
Then Sunrise spoke about a poll they were running.  Breast v. bottle, and the announcer tut-tutting about how breastfeeding was a personal choice and women shouldn't be judgemental of each other.  Excuse me!  they had just set it up!
Breastfeeding is not a choice like wearing your blue top or your red top tonight.  And getting information to women and health professionals has nothing at all to do with guilt - the usual excuse used by the media to ( and promoted by the formula companies to ultimately promote their wares)  Anyway, as to complaining
Write to your member of Parliament asking him to write to/forward on the material you send to Tony Abbott, Minister for Health.  This way you kill 2 birds with the one stone.  You educate your local MP and Let Tony Abbott know that health professionals and mothers of Australia are NOT HAPPY
Also, write to the APMAIF panel, enclosing any brochures etc that you have.  Don't worry about whether it is technically a breech of the agreement.  If it is enough to offend you as a mother or a health professional, send it in - let them know how you feel!
APMAIF Secretariat
Department of Health and Ageing
Mail Drop Point 15
GPO Box 9848
ACT 2601
While you are at it, you could complain to the Victorian Office of Children about their decision to keep having their Maternal and child health nurses educated by Wyeth.  You could write to the CEO Gill Callister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
And send a copy to Minister Sheryl Garbutt at the same time.
Warm Regards,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] I need to vent!!!

Are the formula companies really giving infant FORUMULA samples to pregnant women here?  Are they breeching the WHO Code so blatantly here?  I thought it was fairly well regulated - unlike many other countries.  If it does happen at the Expo, you should report them to the ABA for further action.
Unfortunately they have free reign with that toddler milk crap in a can/drink dispensing machine whatever.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 10:06 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] I need to vent!!!

Writing a complaint letter about inappropriate advertising of artificial baby "milk" might help you channel this rage. I HATE those stalls with a passion. You know that expo is really the Prams'n'Formula Expo, don't you? You'll also see lots of drug companies giving unbiassed (snort) show bags to pregnant women and even better, FORMULA companies giving SAMPLES and show bags to PREGNANT WOMEN. How's that for totally unethical, hey?!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 9:51 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] I need to vent!!!

I’m going to be at the Melbourne Pregnancy, Babies and Children’s Expo in Melbourne starting tomorrow, and who else is my stand next to but…. Karicare! I felt so angry the whole time setting up today - I have a really bad feeling they are going to be giving out toddler milk samples, ready to drink – on the stand they have one of those drink dispensing machines with the clear plastic tops with a mixer inside it, you know like when you go to those ice-cream shops and they have slushies or juice in them swishing around? GrRRrrRrr! I hope I am wrong but they always hand out samples anyway. The marketing plastered all over the massive stand just infuriates me... for mums who nutrition is important to them! It’s firing me up and I am not even there yet!!! I don’t want to even look at them tomorrow…


Kelly Zantey


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